
  • 松本站与松本巴士总站内部或周边有无行李寄存处?


  • 松本城有行李寄存处吗?


  • 上高地有投币式寄存柜吗?


  • 有无类似FedEx的快递服务?



  • มีจุดบริการรับฝากสัมภาระในสถานีมัตสึโมโต้ สถานีรถประจำทางมัตสึโมโต้และบริเวณใกล้เคียงหรือไม่

    มีตู้ล็อคเกอร์แบบหยอดเหรียญทั้งด้านในและด้านนอกสถานีรถไฟ ดูแผนที่สถานีและดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่หน้าข้อมูลน่ารู้สำหรับการท่องเที่ยว

  • ปราสาทมัตสึโมโต้มีจุดบริการรับฝากสัมภาระหรือไม่?

    มีตู้ล็อคเกอร์แบบหยอดเหรียญสำหรับฝากสัมภาระขนาดเล็กติดตั้งอยู่บริเวณสวนภายในปราสาท สำหรับสัมภาระขนาดใหญ่สามารถฝากได้ที่ร้านค้าที่อยู่ภายในบริเวณปราสาท แต่ทางร้านค้าจะขอให้นำสิ่งของมีค่าและของที่เสียหายได้ง่ายออก

  • ที่คามิโคจิมีตู้ล็อคเกอร์แบบหยอดเหรียญหรือไม่?

    มีห้องรับฝากสัมภาระที่สถานีรถประจำทางคามิโคจิชั้น 1 แต่ไม่มีตู้ล็อคเกอร์แบบหยอดเหรียญ อัตราค่าบริการขึ้นอยู่กับจำนวนวันที่รับฝาก สัมภาระขนาดเล็ก 350 เยน ขนาดกลาง 400 เยน ขนาดใหญ่ 500 เยน (ราคา 600 เยนสำหรับสัมภาระขนาดใหญ่กว่าปกติ) จุดบริการรับฝากเปิดตั้งแต่ 6:00 น. – 17:00 น.

  • มีบริการจัดส่งพัสดุภัณฑ์คล้ายกับ FedEx หรือไม่?

    บริษัทขนส่งยามาโตะ “คุโรเนะโกะ (แมวดำ)” ให้บริการขนส่งกระเป๋าเดินทางและพัสดุ ดูรายละเอียดได้ในเว็บไซต์ภาษาอังกฤษ สัมภาระจะไปถึงปลายทาง (โรงแรม) ในวันรุ่งขึ้น กรุณาตรวจสอบยืนยันก่อนว่าปลายทางสามารถรับสัมภาระให้คุณได้หรือไม่ ไม่เช่นนั้น ขอแนะนำให้เลือกรับ/ส่งสัมภาระที่ร้านสะดวกซื้อที่อยู่ใกล้ที่พักแรมที่คุณจะเดินทางไป


  • 您能推荐欣赏日本阿尔卑斯的绝佳观景点吗?


  • 哪些区域或地点比较平坦,并允许轮椅与婴儿车进入或者方便老人行动?


  • 在松本附近参观农场和采摘水果


  • 松本市内观赏樱花的最佳地点在哪里?樱花何时盛开?



  • 松本城 进入松本城需要等待多久?


  • 堡里还可以做什么?



  • 冬天可以去上高地吗?

    上高地的公共设施在冬季期间(11月16日至4月中旬)完全关闭,只能步行前往。您需要准备雪地靴及其他相应装备,并且必须具备冬季健走的经验。冬天还有雪崩的危险,所以建议您带上一名经验丰富的老手或导游,仅在情况稳定时出发。包括Little Peaks(日语网站)在内的很多公司都在冬季提供上高地区域的当地导游行程。

  • 开山祭(4月27日)前可以去上高地吗?


  • 在5月、6月及10月,日本阿尔卑斯有雪吗?


  • 我想在上高地露营。我需要在小梨平营地或德泽园营地订位吗?


  • 我想待在山间小屋里。那里都有哪些设施?我需要提前预约吗?


  • 对于为期一天的健走(中级路程),有什么建议吗?


  • 有无多语言导游?

    位于乘鞍的NORTHSTAR Alpine Lodge的老板和员工都是英语母语人士。他们提供夏季健走、冬季雪鞋健走等行程。


  • 有无清真或素食的餐厅或美食?


  • 有无体育酒吧或咖啡馆可以观看足球赛等体育比赛?


  • 有无当地手工精酿啤酒?

    松本酿酒厂自2016年开始营业,除了在中町设有酒吧之外,也预计于2018年4月在本町的信每Media Garden大楼开设另一家分店。酿酒厂老板与Old Rock的老板是同一人,因此您在Old Rock也可以品味松本手工精酿啤酒。

  • 有无可以购买廉价饮品的地方?


  • 有无夜店或Live House?


  • 有无百元店?

    Alpico Plaza、巴士总站大楼7楼有一家。

  • 松本有农贸市场吗?


  • 有无大型超市或进口食品店?

    位于北松本站附近的Nagisa Life Site内也有一家大型超市TSURUYA,营业时间至晚上8点,乘坐周游巴士Town Sneaker的西路线即可抵达。
    此外还有如Delicia等许多其他现代化的当地超市,其中一家位于车站前巴士总站大楼(Alpico Plaza)。

  • 有无大型电器商店?

    永旺梦乐城内有野岛,而位于南松本站附近的山田电机规模更大。距离松本站或北松本站更近的EDION 也是一家大型电器连锁店,可以乘坐周游巴士抵达。

  • 松本有跳蚤市场吗?



  • 有无男女共浴的公共温泉浴池或带独立浴室的温泉旅馆?


  • 松本有无青年旅社或其他便宜的住宿设施?


  • 有无可以联系到丸茂旅馆的电子邮箱?

    请通过电话(+ 81-263-32-0115)或传真(+ 81-263-35-2251)订房。

  • 我们想携带训练有素的狗,有无地方可以携带宠物?


  • 有无短租房?


交通和路线 – 往返于上高地、新穗高、高山

  • 能否在一天内乘坐巴士至上高地散步并前往高山?


  • 如何从松本前往高山?


  • 如何从松本前往新穗高?


  • 是否需要预订从高山至上高地、从上高地至松本,以及从高山至松本的巴士?


交通和路线 – 其他

  • 冬季期间有无公共交通工具(除出租车外)前往美原高原


  • 如何从地狱谷野猿公苑前往松本?


  • 如何从妻笼/马笼(经过木曾町中山道的驿道“武士街道”)前往松本?


  • 如何从立山黑部阿尔卑斯山脉路线前往松本?


  • 如何从金泽前往松本?


  • 从松本出发,如何前往高远观赏樱花?


  • 我预计在半夜左右抵达松本。车站或别处有无可逗留之地,以等待早晨第一班电车或巴士?



  • 哪里可以连接Wi-Fi或互联网?


  • 哪里可以给手机或其他设备充电?


  • 哪里有能使用国际卡的ATM?哪里可以兑换货币?


  • 有无关于动漫《橘色奇迹 orange》外景地的信息?

    此外,您也可以下载显示外景地具体位置的APP“Butai Meguri”(仅供日语详细信息)。

  • 有无多语言导游服务?


  • 松本有什么著名庆典吗?



  • 松本站與松本巴士總站內部或周邊有無行李寄存處?


  • 松本城有行李寄存處嗎?

    寄存小件物品的投幣式置物櫃位於本丸庭園 。稍大件的行李可以寄存在景區內的商店,但需帶走貴重物品與易碎品。

  • 上高地有投幣式置物櫃嗎?


  • 有無類似FedEx的快遞服務?



  • 您能推薦欣賞日本阿爾卑斯的絕佳觀景點嗎?


  • 哪些區域或地點比較平坦,並允許輪椅與嬰兒車進入或者方便老人行動?


  • 在松本附近參觀農場與採摘水果


  • 松本市內觀賞櫻花的最佳地點在何處?櫻花何時盛開?



  • 進入松本城需要等候多長時間?


  • 城堡裡還可以做什麼?



  • 冬天可以去上高地嗎?

    上高地的公共設施在冬季期間(11月16日至4月中旬)完全關閉,只能步行前往。您需要準備雪地靴及其他相應裝備,並且必須具備冬季健行的經驗。冬天還有雪崩的危險,所以建議您帶上一名經驗豐富的老手或導遊,僅在情況穩定時出發。包括Little Peaks(日文網站)在內的很多公司都在冬季提供上高地區域的當地導遊行程。

  • 開山祭(4月27日)前可以去上高地嗎?


  • 在5月、6月及10月,日本阿爾卑斯有雪嗎?


  • 我想在上高地露營。我需要在小梨平營地或德澤園營地訂位嗎?


  • 我想待在山間小屋裡。那裡都有哪些設施?我需要提前預約嗎?


  • 對於為期一天的健行(中級路程),有什麽建議嗎?


  • 有無多語言導遊?

    位於乘鞍的NORTHSTAR Alpine Lodge的老板與員工都是英語母語人士。他們提供夏季健行、冬季雪鞋健行等行程。


  • 有無清真或素食的餐廳或美食?


  • 有無運動酒吧或咖啡館可以觀看足球賽等運動比賽?


  • 有無當地手工精釀啤酒?

    松本釀酒廠自2016年開始營業,除了在中町設有酒吧之外,也預計於2018年4月在本町的信每Media Garden大樓開設另一家分店。釀酒廠老板與Old Rock的老板是同一人,因此您在Old Rock也可以品味松本手工精釀啤酒。

  • 有無可以購買廉價飲品的地方?


  • 有無夜店或Live House?


  • 有無百圓店?

    Alpico Plaza、巴士總站大樓7樓有一家。

  • 松本有農民市集嗎?


  • 有無大型超市或進口食品店?

    位於北松本站附近的Nagisa Life Site內也有一家大型超市TSURUYA,營業時間至晚上8點,搭乘周遊巴士Town Sneaker的西路線即可抵達。
    此外還有如Delicia等許多其他現代化的當地超市,其中一家位於車站前巴士總站大樓(Alpico Plaza)。

  • 有無大型電器商店?

    永旺夢樂城內有野島,而位於南松本站附近的山田電機規模更大。距離松本站或北松本站更近的EDION 也是一家大型電器連鎖店,可以搭乘周遊巴士抵達。

  • 松本有跳蚤市場嗎?



  • 有無男女共浴的公共溫泉浴池或帶獨立浴室的溫泉旅館?


  • 松本有無青年旅社或其他便宜的住宿設施?


  • 有無可以聯絡到丸茂旅館的電子信箱?

    請透過電話(+ 81-263-32-0115)或傳真(+ 81-263-35-2251)訂房。

  • 我們想攜帶訓練有素的狗,有無地方可以攜帶寵物?


  • 有無短租房?


交通與路線 – 往返於上高地・新穗高・高山

  • 能否在一天內搭乘巴士至上高地散步並前往高山?


  • 如何從松本前往高山?


  • 如何從松本前往新穗高?


  • 是否需要預訂從高山至上高地、從上高地至松本,以及從高山至松本的巴士?


交通與路線 – 其他

  • 冬季期間有無公共交通工具(除計程車外)前往美原高原


  • 如何從地獄谷野猿公苑前往松本?


  • 如何從妻籠/馬籠(經過木曾町中山道的驛道「武士街道」)前往松本?


  • 如何從立山黑部阿爾卑斯山脈路線前往松本?


  • 如何從金澤前往松本?


  • 從松本出發,如何前往高遠觀賞櫻花?


  • 我預計在半夜左右抵達松本。車站或別處有無可逗留之地,以等待早晨第一班電車或巴士?



  • 何處可以連接Wi-Fi或網際網路?


  • 何處可以給手機或其他設備充電?


  • 何處有能使用國際卡的ATM?何處可以兌換貨幣?


  • 有無關於動漫《orange 橘色奇蹟》外景地的資訊?

    此外,您也可以下載顯示外景地具體位置的APP「Butai Meguri」(僅供日文詳細資訊)。

  • 有無多語言導遊服務?


  • 松本有什麽著名祭典嗎?



  • Is there luggage storage in/around Matsumoto Station and Matsumoto Bus Terminal?

    There are coin lockers inside and outside of the train station.
    See this station map and Useful Trip Info page for the details. Coin lockers (cannot be used overnight) are located just the Bus Terminal in the area just next to the ticket counter entrance.

  • Is there luggage storage at Matsumoto Castle?

    Coin-operated lockers for smaller items are located on the castle grounds. Larger bags can be left at the shop on the premises, but they ask that you remove valuables and fragile items.

  • Are there coin lockers at Kamikochi?

    There is a baggage room (tel: 0263-95-2034) on the first floor of the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, but there are no coin lockers. Rates are by the day. Small: ¥350 / Medium: ¥400 / Large: ¥500 (¥600 for oversize). The office is open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Are there any courier services like FedEx?

    “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” Yamato Transport Co. has an English website.
    The luggage would be sent to your destination (hotel) by the next day. Be sure that you first confirm whether or not your lodging will agree to receive your luggage. Otherwise, we recommend a convenience store drop-off/pick-up option if a convenience stores is close to your destination.


  • Is there luggage storage in/around Matsumoto Station and Matsumoto Bus Terminal?

    There are coin lockers inside and outside of the train station.
    See this station map and Useful Trip Info page for the details. Coin lockers (cannot be used overnight) are located just the Bus Terminal in the area just next to the ticket counter entrance.

  • Is there luggage storage at Matsumoto Castle?

    Coin-operated lockers for smaller items are located on the castle grounds. Larger bags can be left at the shop on the premises, but they ask that you remove valuables and fragile items.

  • Are there coin lockers at Kamikochi?

    There is a baggage room (tel: 0263-95-2034) on the first floor of the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, but there are no coin lockers. Rates are by the day. Small: ¥350 / Medium: ¥400 / Large: ¥500 (¥600 for oversize). The office is open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Are there any courier services like FedEx?

    “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” Yamato Transport Co. has an English website.
    The luggage would be sent to your destination (hotel) by the next day. Be sure that you first confirm whether or not your lodging will agree to receive your luggage. Otherwise, we recommend a convenience store drop-off/pick-up option if a convenience stores is close to your destination.


  • Is there luggage storage in/around Matsumoto Station and Matsumoto Bus Terminal?

    There are coin lockers inside and outside of the train station.
    See this station map and Useful Trip Info page for the details. Coin lockers (cannot be used overnight) are located just the Bus Terminal in the area just next to the ticket counter entrance.

  • Is there luggage storage at Matsumoto Castle?

    Coin-operated lockers for smaller items are located on the castle grounds. Larger bags can be left at the shop on the premises, but they ask that you remove valuables and fragile items.

  • Are there coin lockers at Kamikochi?

    There is a baggage room (tel: 0263-95-2034) on the first floor of the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, but there are no coin lockers. Rates are by the day. Small: ¥350 / Medium: ¥400 / Large: ¥500 (¥600 for oversize). The office is open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Are there any courier services like FedEx?

    “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” Yamato Transport Co. has an English website.
    The luggage would be sent to your destination (hotel) by the next day. Be sure that you first confirm whether or not your lodging will agree to receive your luggage. Otherwise, we recommend a convenience store drop-off/pick-up option if a convenience stores is close to your destination.


  • Is there luggage storage in/around Matsumoto Station and Matsumoto Bus Terminal?

    There are coin lockers inside and outside of the train station.
    See this station map and Useful Trip Info page for the details. Coin lockers (cannot be used overnight) are located just the Bus Terminal in the area just next to the ticket counter entrance.

  • Is there luggage storage at Matsumoto Castle?

    Coin-operated lockers for smaller items are located on the castle grounds. Larger bags can be left at the shop on the premises, but they ask that you remove valuables and fragile items.

  • Are there coin lockers at Kamikochi?

    There is a baggage room (tel: 0263-95-2034) on the first floor of the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, but there are no coin lockers. Rates are by the day. Small: ¥350 / Medium: ¥400 / Large: ¥500 (¥600 for oversize). The office is open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Are there any courier services like FedEx?

    “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” Yamato Transport Co. has an English website.
    The luggage would be sent to your destination (hotel) by the next day. Be sure that you first confirm whether or not your lodging will agree to receive your luggage. Otherwise, we recommend a convenience store drop-off/pick-up option if a convenience stores is close to your destination.

จุดที่น่าเที่ยวชม, สัมผัสประสบการณ์

  • ช่วยแนะนำจุดชมวิวที่สามารถชมทัศนียภาพอันงดงามของเทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่นหน่อยได้ไหม?

    ใกล้กับสวนสาธารณะโจยามะและสวนสาธารณะแอลป์ซึ่งอยู่ไม่ไกลจากปราสาทมัตสึโมโต้เป็นจุดชมวิวที่เหมาะแก่การชมทัศนียภาพของเทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่น นอกจากนี้ คุณสามารถชมวิวที่งดงามของเทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่นได้จากด้านบนสุดของเส้นทางเดินป่าจากน้ำพุร้อนอะซามะ สถานที่ในตัวเมืองได้แก่ ด้านบนของสวนที่อยู่ในหอศิลป์เมืองมัตสึโมโต้ (มัตสึโมโต้มินเกจุสึคัง), ที่หน้าต่างชั้นสองของพิพิธภัณฑ์ศิลปะพื้นบ้านมัตสึโมโต้ ซึ่งเป็นสถานที่ชมทัศนียภาพอันงดงามของเทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่นและไร่องุ่น, บ้านตระกูลบาบะเป็นอีกหนึ่งจุดชมวิวที่ยอดเยี่ยม สามารถมองเห็นได้ทั้งภูเขายาริและภูเขาโฮตากะดาเกะ ซึ่งเป็นยอดเขา 2 แห่งที่สูงที่สุดในเทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่น

  • พื้นที่หรือสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวที่ใดบ้างที่เป็นพื้นราบ ผู้ใช้รถเข็นวีลแชร์/รถเข็นเด็กและ/หรือผู้สูงอายุสามารถไปไหนมาไหนได้อย่างสะดวก?

    ถนนนากะมาจิและถนนนาวาเตะในมัตสึโมโต้และเมืองที่พักแรมในอดีตนาราอิซึ่งอยู่ในหุบเขาคิโซในอำเภอชิโอจิริเป็นพื้นที่ราบและเป็นย่านที่มีบรรยากาศเก่าแก่ที่เหมาะแก่การเดินเล่น รวมทั้งที่สวนสาธารณะอะกะตะโนะโมริ ซึ่งอยู่ใกล้กับพิพิธภัณฑ์ศิลปะเมืองมัตสึโมโต้ ก็เป็นสถานที่ที่สามารถเที่ยวชมรอบๆ ได้อย่างสะดวกด้วยวีลแชร์

  • เที่ยวชมฟาร์มและเก็บผลไม้รอบๆ เมืองมัตสึโมโต้

    การเที่ยวชมฟาร์มนอกเหนือจากฟาร์มเพาะวาซาบิไดโอ อะซูมิโน่ จะต้องเดินทางโดยรถจักรยาน รถแท็กซี่หรือรถยนต์
    คุณสามารถเก็บแอปเปิ้ลได้ที่ฟาร์มโยโกยะในช่วงฤดูใบไม้ร่วง (ตุลาคม-พฤศจิกายน) เจ้าของฟาร์มสามารถพูดภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐานได้
    ในอำเภออะซูมิโน่ สามารถเก็บแอปเปิ้ลได้ทุกช่วงเวลาในฟาร์มผลไม้อะซูมิโน่ สำหรับรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมสามารถดาวน์โหลดได้ที่แผ่นพับหลายภาษาของอำเภออะซูมิโน่
    สำหรับฟาร์มที่สามารถพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้ ได้แก่ ฟาร์มโอกุระยามะ ซึ่งเป็นสมาชิกของวูฟ (WWOOF)
    นอกจากนี้ในอำเภอชิโอจิริซึ่งเป็นเมืองที่อยู่ทางทิศใต้ของมัตสึโมโต้ มีไร่องุ่นหลายแห่งเปิดให้นักท่องเที่ยวเก็บองุ่นได้ตั้งแต่เดือนสิงหาคมจนถึงกลางเดือนตุลาคม มีสวนองุ่นแห่งหนึ่งสามารถเดินจากสถานีรถไฟชิโอจิริเพียง 15 นาที (หรือใช้เวลาเพียงไม่กี่นาทีโดยรถแท็กซี่)

  • สถานที่ชมดอกซากุระที่ดีที่สุดในเมืองคือที่ไหน? ดอกซากุระจะบานเมื่อไหร่?

    ปราสาทมัตสึโมโต้เป็นสถานที่ชมดอกซากุระที่มีชื่อเสียง นอกจากนี้ที่สวนสาธารณะโจยามะและบริเวณริมแม่น้ำสุสุกิก็เป็นสถานที่ขึ้นชื่อสำหรับการชมดอกซากุระและปิ้งบาร์บีคิว ภูเขาโคโบยามะซึ่งอยู่ไม่ไกลจากตัวเมืองมัตสึโมโต้และภูเขาฮิคารุโจในอำเภออะซูมิโน่ซึ่งมีเส้นทางเดินป่าท่ามกลางต้นซากุระก็ได้รับความนิยมเช่นกัน กลางเดือนเมษายนเป็นช่วงเวลาที่เหมาะแก่การชมซากุระ (ขึ้นอยู่กับสถานที่และอากาศในแต่ละปีด้วย) ดูรายละเอียดหน้าติดตามสถานการ์ดอกซากุระบาน ในลิงก์ “ดอกไม้และใบไม้เปลี่ยนสี”

Tourisme & Activités

  • Can you recommend good view points to see the Japan Alps?

    Besides the park and keep of Matsumoto Castle, Joyama Park, and Alps Park are good points for views of the Japan Alps. You can enjoy a spectacular view from the top point of a hiking course from Asama Hot Springs. A great, yet little-known spot downtown is a top garden of Performing Arts Center. The second floor of the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum is a place to see the Japan Alps and grape orchards through the beautiful window. The Baba Family Residence is a good viewpoint where you can see both Mt. Yari and Mt. Hotakadake, the two highest summits of the Japan Alps.

  • What areas/places are flat and allow for wheelchair/stroller access and/or the elderly to get around easily?

    Nakamachi and Nawate Streets in Matsumoto and Narai Post Town in a part of Shiojiri in the Kiso Valley are flat, old streets that are good for strolling. Also, Agatanomori Park near the Matsumoto Museum of Art is a good place to go around even in a wheelchair.

  • Farm visits and fruit picking around Matsumoto

    On the farm visits front, other than the Diao Wasabi Farm in Azumino, you’ll need to go by bike, taxi, or car. Apple picking is available in the fall (Oct and part of Nov) at Yokoya Farm. They speak basic English. In Azumino City, you can do apple picking anytime at Azumino Fruit Farm. Download this Azumino Multilingual Leaflet for more details. English is spoken at Ogurayama Farm, a member of WWOOF.

    In Shiojiri, a southern neighboring city of Matsumoto, many grape orchards for tourists are open from late August until mid-October. One of them is located 15-minutes walking (or a few minutes by taxi) from Shiojiri Station. There is also a petting zoo at Tirolean Forest in Shiojiri.

  • What’s the best place in town for viewing cherry blossoms? When will they bloom?

    Matsumoto Castle is famous for cherry blossoms. Joyama Park and the Susuki River are popular among the locals for enjoying cherry blossoms and BBQs. Mt. Kobo and Mt. Hikarujo (in Azumino City) are also popular, and there are good hiking courses among the cherry trees. Mid-April is probably the best time to see them (but it depends on the year and place). See our Cherry Blossoms page.

Tourismus & Aktivitäten

  • Can you recommend good view points to see the Japan Alps?

    Besides the park and keep of Matsumoto Castle, Joyama Park, and Alps Park are good points for views of the Japan Alps. You can enjoy a spectacular view from the top point of a hiking course from Asama Hot Springs. A great, yet little-known spot downtown is a top garden of Performing Arts Center. The second floor of the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum is a place to see the Japan Alps and grape orchards through the beautiful window. The Baba Family Residence is a good viewpoint where you can see both Mt. Yari and Mt. Hotakadake, the two highest summits of the Japan Alps.

  • What areas/places are flat and allow for wheelchair/stroller access and/or the elderly to get around easily?

    Nakamachi and Nawate Streets in Matsumoto and Narai Post Town in a part of Shiojiri in the Kiso Valley are flat, old streets that are good for strolling. Also, Agatanomori Park near the Matsumoto Museum of Art is a good place to go around even in a wheelchair.

  • Farm visits and fruit picking around Matsumoto

    On the farm visits front, other than the Diao Wasabi Farm in Azumino, you’ll need to go by bike, taxi, or car. Apple picking is available in the fall (Oct and part of Nov) at Yokoya Farm. They speak basic English. In Azumino City, you can do apple picking anytime at Azumino Fruit Farm. Download this Azumino Multilingual Leaflet for more details. English is spoken at Ogurayama Farm, a member of WWOOF.

    In Shiojiri, a southern neighboring city of Matsumoto, many grape orchards for tourists are open from late August until mid-October. One of them is located 15-minutes walking (or a few minutes by taxi) from Shiojiri Station. There is also a petting zoo at Tirolean Forest in Shiojiri.

  • What’s the best place in town for viewing cherry blossoms? When will they bloom?

    Matsumoto Castle is famous for cherry blossoms. Joyama Park and the Susuki River are popular among the locals for enjoying cherry blossoms and BBQs. Mt. Kobo and Mt. Hikarujo (in Azumino City) are also popular, and there are good hiking courses among the cherry trees. Mid-April is probably the best time to see them (but it depends on the year and place). See our Cherry Blossoms page.


  • Can you recommend good view points to see the Japan Alps?

    Besides the park and keep of Matsumoto Castle, Joyama Park, and Alps Park are good points for views of the Japan Alps. You can enjoy a spectacular view from the top point of a hiking course from Asama Hot Springs. A great, yet little-known spot downtown is a top garden of Performing Arts Center. The second floor of the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum is a place to see the Japan Alps and grape orchards through the beautiful window. The Baba Family Residence is a good viewpoint where you can see both Mt. Yari and Mt. Hotakadake, the two highest summits of the Japan Alps.

  • What areas/places are flat and allow for wheelchair/stroller access and/or the elderly to get around easily?

    Nakamachi and Nawate Streets in Matsumoto and Narai Post Town in a part of Shiojiri in the Kiso Valley are flat, old streets that are good for strolling. Also, Agatanomori Park near the Matsumoto Museum of Art is a good place to go around even in a wheelchair.

  • Farm visits and fruit picking around Matsumoto

    On the farm visits front, other than the Diao Wasabi Farm in Azumino, you’ll need to go by bike, taxi, or car. Apple picking is available in the fall (Oct and part of Nov) at Yokoya Farm. They speak basic English. In Azumino City, you can do apple picking anytime at Azumino Fruit Farm. Download this Azumino Multilingual Leaflet for more details. English is spoken at Ogurayama Farm, a member of WWOOF.

    In Shiojiri, a southern neighboring city of Matsumoto, many grape orchards for tourists are open from late August until mid-October. One of them is located 15-minutes walking (or a few minutes by taxi) from Shiojiri Station. There is also a petting zoo at Tirolean Forest in Shiojiri.

  • What’s the best place in town for viewing cherry blossoms? When will they bloom?

    Matsumoto Castle is famous for cherry blossoms. Joyama Park and the Susuki River are popular among the locals for enjoying cherry blossoms and BBQs. Mt. Kobo and Mt. Hikarujo (in Azumino City) are also popular, and there are good hiking courses among the cherry trees. Mid-April is probably the best time to see them (but it depends on the year and place). See our Cherry Blossoms page.

Достопримечательности и Мероприятия

  • Can you recommend good view points to see the Japan Alps?

    Besides the park and keep of Matsumoto Castle, Joyama Park, and Alps Park are good points for views of the Japan Alps. You can enjoy a spectacular view from the top point of a hiking course from Asama Hot Springs. A great, yet little-known spot downtown is a top garden of Performing Arts Center. The second floor of the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum is a place to see the Japan Alps and grape orchards through the beautiful window. The Baba Family Residence is a good viewpoint where you can see both Mt. Yari and Mt. Hotakadake, the two highest summits of the Japan Alps.

  • What areas/places are flat and allow for wheelchair/stroller access and/or the elderly to get around easily?

    Nakamachi and Nawate Streets in Matsumoto and Narai Post Town in a part of Shiojiri in the Kiso Valley are flat, old streets that are good for strolling. Also, Agatanomori Park near the Matsumoto Museum of Art is a good place to go around even in a wheelchair.

  • Farm visits and fruit picking around Matsumoto

    On the farm visits front, other than the Diao Wasabi Farm in Azumino, you’ll need to go by bike, taxi, or car. Apple picking is available in the fall (Oct and part of Nov) at Yokoya Farm. They speak basic English. In Azumino City, you can do apple picking anytime at Azumino Fruit Farm. Download this Azumino Multilingual Leaflet for more details. English is spoken at Ogurayama Farm, a member of WWOOF.

    In Shiojiri, a southern neighboring city of Matsumoto, many grape orchards for tourists are open from late August until mid-October. One of them is located 15-minutes walking (or a few minutes by taxi) from Shiojiri Station. There is also a petting zoo at Tirolean Forest in Shiojiri.

  • What’s the best place in town for viewing cherry blossoms? When will they bloom?

    Matsumoto Castle is famous for cherry blossoms. Joyama Park and the Susuki River are popular among the locals for enjoying cherry blossoms and BBQs. Mt. Kobo and Mt. Hikarujo (in Azumino City) are also popular, and there are good hiking courses among the cherry trees. Mid-April is probably the best time to see them (but it depends on the year and place). See our Cherry Blossoms page.


  • ใช้เวลารอคิวเข้าปราสาทประมาณกี่นาที?

    ปราสาทมัตสึโมโต้สามารถจุคนได้น้อยเนื่องจากพื้นที่ในปราสาทสูงชันและแคบ ในช่วงวันหยุดโดยเฉพาะช่วงโกลเด้นวีค (ประมาณ 29 เมษายน-5 พฤษภาคม) และโอบ้ง (ประมาณ 13-16 สิงหาคม) จะมีผู้คนหนาแน่นเป็นพิเศษ อาจต้องรอคิวเพื่อเข้าปราสาทตั้งแต่ 20 นาทีไปจนถึง 2 ชั่วโมง ระยะเวลารอเข้าปราสาทจะติดประกาศตรงประตูทางเข้าหลัก (ประตูคุโรมง) และมีการแจ้งในเว็บไซต์อย่างเป็นทางการเวอร์ชั่นภาษาญี่ปุ่น ช่วงเวลาที่มีผู้คนหนาแน่นคือเวลาประมาณ 10:30 – 15:00 น. เวลาเปิดให้เข้าปราสาทรอบสุดท้ายคือ 16:30 น. แต่จะขยายเวลาไปถึง 17:30 น. ในระหว่างช่วงโกลเด้นวีค ช่วงสัปดาห์ที่ 2 ของเดือนสิงหาคมและช่วงโอบ้ง ในช่วงเวลาพักเที่ยงผู้คนอาจไม่ค่อยหนาแน่นมากนัก แต่ก็ขึ้นอยู่กับปัจจัยอื่นๆ ด้วย เช่น หากมีกรุ๊ปทัวร์ขนาดใหญ่มาเยี่ยมชมก็จะมีผู้คนหนาแน่น

  • ปราสาทมัตสึโมโต้มีกิจกรรมอะไรให้ทำบ้าง?


Le Château de Matsumoto

  • What is the wait time to enter the castle?

    Matsumoto Castle has a small capacity because there are only steep and narrow steps for going up inside the keep. So it is crowded during holidays especially Golden Week (around April 29 to May 5) and Obon (around August 13 to 16). You may have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to enter the castle. The waiting time is posted outside of the castle’s main gate (kuromon) as shown in the photo and on the official Japanese website. Peak visiting hours are generally from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Last admission is 4:30 p.m., but this is pushed forward to 5:30 p.m. during Golden Week and around the second week of August and Obon. Lunch time might not be so crowded, though it depends on other factors. For instance, when a big tour group comes, it is crowded.

  • Is there anything else to do at the castle?

    In addition to the castle’s museum and shop, events such as live music performances, ice sculpting, soba festivals, tea ceremonies, samurai parades, and more are held on the castle grounds on several days every month. Check out our Facebook events page or the castle’s English Event Information page for upcoming event information. You can see Ikegami Hyakuchikutei, a historical Japanese house which has a full-scale tea-ceremony room (chashitsu) with a tea garden, located just across the street on the castle’s north side. You can often see an armored samurai, a ninja, and a kimono-wearing princess (Omotenashi-tai – see more here) and take photos with them. Also, a rickshaw puller is sometimes waiting in front of the castle’s main gate to give rickshaw tours.

Burg Matsumoto

  • What is the wait time to enter the castle?

    Matsumoto Castle has a small capacity because there are only steep and narrow steps for going up inside the keep. So it is crowded during holidays especially Golden Week (around April 29 to May 5) and Obon (around August 13 to 16). You may have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to enter the castle. The waiting time is posted outside of the castle’s main gate (kuromon) as shown in the photo and on the official Japanese website. Peak visiting hours are generally from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Last admission is 4:30 p.m., but this is pushed forward to 5:30 p.m. during Golden Week and around the second week of August and Obon. Lunch time might not be so crowded, though it depends on other factors. For instance, when a big tour group comes, it is crowded.

  • Is there anything else to do at the castle?

    In addition to the castle’s museum and shop, events such as live music performances, ice sculpting, soba festivals, tea ceremonies, samurai parades, and more are held on the castle grounds on several days every month. Check out our Facebook events page or the castle’s English Event Information page for upcoming event information. You can see Ikegami Hyakuchikutei, a historical Japanese house which has a full-scale tea-ceremony room (chashitsu) with a tea garden, located just across the street on the castle’s north side. You can often see an armored samurai, a ninja, and a kimono-wearing princess (Omotenashi-tai – see more here) and take photos with them. Also, a rickshaw puller is sometimes waiting in front of the castle’s main gate to give rickshaw tours.


  • What is the wait time to enter the castle?

    Matsumoto Castle has a small capacity because there are only steep and narrow steps for going up inside the keep. So it is crowded during holidays especially Golden Week (around April 29 to May 5) and Obon (around August 13 to 16). You may have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to enter the castle. The waiting time is posted outside of the castle’s main gate (kuromon) as shown in the photo and on the official Japanese website. Peak visiting hours are generally from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Last admission is 4:30 p.m., but this is pushed forward to 5:30 p.m. during Golden Week and around the second week of August and Obon. Lunch time might not be so crowded, though it depends on other factors. For instance, when a big tour group comes, it is crowded.

  • Is there anything else to do at the castle?

    In addition to the castle’s museum and shop, events such as live music performances, ice sculpting, soba festivals, tea ceremonies, samurai parades, and more are held on the castle grounds on several days every month. Check out our Facebook events page or the castle’s English Event Information page for upcoming event information. You can see Ikegami Hyakuchikutei, a historical Japanese house which has a full-scale tea-ceremony room (chashitsu) with a tea garden, located just across the street on the castle’s north side. You can often see an armored samurai, a ninja, and a kimono-wearing princess (Omotenashi-tai – see more here) and take photos with them. Also, a rickshaw puller is sometimes waiting in front of the castle’s main gate to give rickshaw tours.

Замок Mацумото

  • What is the wait time to enter the castle?

    Matsumoto Castle has a small capacity because there are only steep and narrow steps for going up inside the keep. So it is crowded during holidays especially Golden Week (around April 29 to May 5) and Obon (around August 13 to 16). You may have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to enter the castle. The waiting time is posted outside of the castle’s main gate (kuromon) as shown in the photo and on the official Japanese website. Peak visiting hours are generally from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Last admission is 4:30 p.m., but this is pushed forward to 5:30 p.m. during Golden Week and around the second week of August and Obon. Lunch time might not be so crowded, though it depends on other factors. For instance, when a big tour group comes, it is crowded.

  • Is there anything else to do at the castle?

    In addition to the castle’s museum and shop, events such as live music performances, ice sculpting, soba festivals, tea ceremonies, samurai parades, and more are held on the castle grounds on several days every month. Check out our Facebook events page or the castle’s English Event Information page for upcoming event information. You can see Ikegami Hyakuchikutei, a historical Japanese house which has a full-scale tea-ceremony room (chashitsu) with a tea garden, located just across the street on the castle’s north side. You can often see an armored samurai, a ninja, and a kimono-wearing princess (Omotenashi-tai – see more here) and take photos with them. Also, a rickshaw puller is sometimes waiting in front of the castle’s main gate to give rickshaw tours.


  • สามารถไปเที่ยวคามิโคจิในฤดูหนาวได้หรือไม่?

    สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกต่างๆ ในคามิโคจิจะปิดให้บริการในฤดูหนาว (ตั้งแต่ 16 พฤศจิกายน จนถึงกลางเดือนเมษายน) สามารถเข้าไปได้เพียงแค่บริเวณเชิงเขาเท่านั้น คุณต้องเตรียมรองเท้าเดินบนหิมะและอุปกรณ์อื่นๆ ที่จำเป็น รวมถึงต้องมีประสบการณ์เดินป่าในฤดูหนาวด้วยเนื่องจากเป็นพื้นที่เสี่ยงต่อการเกิดหิมะถล่ม ขอแนะนำให้เดินทางกับผู้ที่มีประสบการณ์เดินป่าในฤดูหนาวหรือไกด์ในสภาพอากาศที่เหมาะแก่การเดินป่า ในฤดูหนาวจะมีไกด์ท้องถิ่นนำเที่ยวในคามิโคจิซึ่งให้บริการโดยบริษัทหลายแห่ง เช่น ไกด์บริษัทลิตเติ้ลพีค (เว็บไซต์ภาษาญี่ปุ่น)
    สถานที่ที่สามารถเข้าใกล้คามิโคจิได้มากที่สุดในฤดูหนาวได้แก่ สะวันโดะ สามารถเดินทางไปยังสะวันโดะได้โดยรถบัสจากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้ จากนั้น ต่อรถแท็กซี่ไปยังน้ำพุร้อนนากะโนะยุ (ไม่มีที่จอดรถ) และเดินเท้าต่อไป จากน้ำพุร้อนนากะโนะยุไปยังสะพานคัปปะ ใช้เวลาไปกลับประมาณ 6-8 ชม.

    ที่ราบสูงโนริกุระและน้ำพุร้อนชิราโฮเนะซึ่งอยู่ใกล้กับคามิโคจิเปิดให้บริการในฤดูหนาวด้วยเช่นกัน สามารถเดินทางเข้าถึงได้ด้วยรถบัส

  • สามารถเดินทางไปคามิโคจิก่อนมีการทำพิธีเปิดภูเขา (27 เมษายน) ได้หรือไม่?

    ได้ สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกต่างๆ เช่น ศูนย์บริการข้อมูลนักท่องเที่ยวและร้านอาหารบางแห่งจะเปิดให้บริการแล้ว แต่โรงแรมส่วนใหญ่ยังอยู่ระหว่างเตรียมการเปิดให้บริการ หิมะยังคงมีหลงเหลืออยู่ตามทางเดินควรเตรียมรองเท้าเดินบนหิมะไปด้วย ช่วงเวลาดังกล่าวถือเป็นช่วงเวลาที่เหมาะแก่การไปเที่ยวเนื่องจากนักท่องเที่ยวยังไม่แออัด (มีเพียงนักท่องเที่ยวญี่ปุ่นและนักท่องเที่ยวต่างชาติบางส่วนที่มากับกรุ๊ปทัวร์)

  • เทือกเขาแอลป์ญี่ปุ่นมีหิมะในเดือนพฤษภาคม มิถุนายนและเดือนตุลาคมหรือไม่?


  • ฉันต้องการตั้งแคมป์ในคามิโคจิ ควรจองที่สถานที่สำหรับกางเต็นท์ในสถานที่ตั้งแคมป์โคนะชิไดร่าหรือที่โทคุซาว่าเอ็นหรือไม่?


  • ฉันต้องการพักที่กระท่อมบนภูเขา (ยามะโกย่า) อยากทราบว่ามีสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกชนิดใดให้บริการบ้าง? ต้องจองล่วงหน้าหรือเปล่า?


  • ช่วยแนะนำภูเขาที่สามารถเดินป่าแบบไปเช้าเย็นกลับสำหรับนักเดินป่าที่มีความชำนาญระดับปานกลางได้หรือไม่?


  • มีไกด์หลายภาษาให้บริการหรือไม่?

    ที่นอร์ธสตาร์ อัลไพน์ ลอดจน์ในโนริกุระ เจ้าของกิจการและพนักงานชาวต่างชาติสามารถพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้เป็นอย่างดี ที่นี่ให้บริการนำเที่ยว เช่น เดินป่าในฤดูร้อนและเดินป่าบนรองเท้าเดินบนหิมะในฤดูหนาว
    สำหรับการใช้บริการไกด์ส่วนตัว กรุณาดูที่ไกด์นำเที่ยว


  • มีร้านอาหารหรือร้านขายอาหารฮาลาลหรืออาหารมังสวิรัติหรือไม่?


  • มีสปอร์ตบาร์/คาเฟ่ที่สามารถชมการแข่งขันกีฬา เช่น การแข่งขันฟุตบอลหรือไม่?


  • มีเบียร์ที่ทำขึ้นเองในท้องถิ่นหรือไม่?

    มี มัตสึโมโต้บริวเวอรี่เปิดกิจการมาตั้งแต่ปี 2016 มีบาร์เหล้าแท็ปรูมบนถนนนากะมาจิและในเดือนเมษายน ปี 2018 จะเปิดบาร์เหล้าที่อาคารชินมัยมีเดียการ์เด้น ในถนนฮงมาจิอีกหนึ่งแห่ง เจ้าของกิจการเป็นเจ้าของเดียวกับผับ OLD ROCK สามารถดื่มเบียร์ที่มัตสึโมโต้บริวเวอรี่ทำขึ้นเองได้ที่นั่นเช่นกัน

  • มีที่ไหนบ้างที่สามารถดื่มเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอร์ได้ในราคาถูก?

    สึคิจิ อิชิบะ โชกุโด เป็นร้านเหล้าสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น ตั้งอยู่บนถนนที่ปูด้วยอิฐ ใกล้กับร้านแมคโดนัลด์หน้าสถานีรถไฟ จะมีช่วงเวลาสุดคุ้มสามารถดื่มเบียร์แก้วละ 100 เยนได้ตั้งแต่เวลา 15:00-18:00 น. นอกจากนี้ยังสามารถดื่มวิสกี้ได้ในราคาตั้งแต่ 130 เยนต่อแก้ว เหล้าสาเกราคาตั้งแต่ 200 เยนต่อแก้วได้ที่ “8 Ounce” ซึ่งเป็นบาร์สำหรับยืนดื่ม

  • มีไนท์คลับหรือคาเฟ่ฟังดนตรี (ไลฟ์เฮ้าส์) หรือไม่?


  • มีร้าน 100 เยนหรือไม่

    ที่ชั้น 7 ของอาคารสถานีรถประจำทาง(อัลพิโก้พลาซ่า) มีร้าน 100 เยนอยู่ 1 แห่ง สำหรับที่อื่นๆ ได้แก่ ร้านไดโซะ อยู่ที่ร้านขายหนังสือมารุเซ็นชั้น 4 ซึ่งอยู่ไม่ไกลจากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้และมีร้านเซริย่าในห้าง AEON Mall นอกจากนี้ยังมีร้าน 100 เยนอีกหลายแห่งตามชานเมือง

  • ในมัตสึโมโต้มีตลาดขายสินค้าเกษตรหรือไม่?

    บนถนนนากะมาจิมีร้านเล็กๆ อยู่ 1 ร้านชื่อคุระมาร์เช่นากะมาจิ ดำเนินกิจการโดย สหกรณ์การเกษตรญี่ปุ่น (JA) และมีร้านเล็กๆ อีกหนึ่งแห่งที่ชั้น 1 ของห้างมิโดริในสถานีมัตสึโมโต้ ส่วนร้านค้าขนาดใหญ่จะมีอยู่ตามชานเมือง ตลาดที่น่าสนใจอีกหนึ่งแห่งคือแอลป์อิชิบะ สามารถเดินทางจากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้โดยรถบัส

  • มีซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตขนาดใหญ่/ร้านค้าจำหน่ายอาหารนานาชาติหรือไม่

    ที่ห้าง AEON Mallมีซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตขนาดใหญ่ซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของร้าน AEON STYLE นอกจากนี้ภายในห้าง AEON ยังมีร้าน KALDI ซึ่งจำหน่ายสินค้านำเข้า สินค้าชนิดพิเศษและอาหารนานาชาติเช่นกัน
    ศูนย์การค้านากิสะไลฟ์ ใกล้กับสถานีคิตะ-มัตสึโมโต้ มีซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตขนาดใหญ่ชื่อ “สึรุย่า” เปิดทำการตั้งแต่ 9:30-20:00 น. สามารถเดินทางจากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้โดยขึ้นรถบัสทาวน์สนีกเกอร์สายตะวันตก

    เซยูเป็นซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตของบริษัทค้าปลีกวอลมาร์ท เปิดให้บริการตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง
    นอกจากนี้ยังมีซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตในท้องถิ่นอีกมากมาย เช่น เดลิเชีย มีสาขาหนึ่งอยู่ที่ชั้นใต้ดินของอาคารสถานีรถประจำทาง (อัลพิโก้พลาซ่า) หน้าสถานีมัตสึโมโต้

  • มีร้านขายเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้าขนาดใหญ่หรือไม่

    โนะจิมะในห้าง AEON Mall และร้านยามาดะเด็นกิใกล้กับสถานีมินามิมัตสึโมโต้เป็นร้านขายเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้าขนาดใหญ่ เอดิออนเป็นร้านขายเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้าขนาดใหญ่ที่มีหลายสาขาเช่นกัน อยู่ไม่ไกลจากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้และสถานีคิตะมัตสึโมโต้ สามารถเดินทางได้โดยรถบัสทัศนาจรรอบเมือง

  • ในมัตสึโมโต้มีตลาดนัดขายสินค้ามือสองหรือไม่?

    ฟลีมาร์เก็ตชินชู (เว็บไซต์ภาษาญี่ปุ่น) เป็นตลาดขายสินค้ามือสองที่เปิดขายสินค้าเพียงไม่กี่วันใน 1 หรือ 2 เดือน ที่บริเวณสวนสาธารณะฮานะโดเคตรงด้านหน้าห้างพาร์โก้ หรือที่สวนสาธารณะแอลป์ นอกจากนี้ยังมีร้านขายของเก่าบนถนนนาวาเตะและถนนนากะมาจิด้วย

Randonnée & Escalade

  • Can I go to Kamikochi in winter?

    Kamikochi’s public facilities are completely closed in winter (Nov 16 to mid-Apr). You can only enter there on foot. You need snowshoes, other appropriate equipment, and winter hiking experience. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you go with an experienced person or guide only when conditions are good. There are local guided tours through Kamikochi offered by companies including Little Peaks (Japanese site) in winter.

    The closest place to enter Kamikochi during the winter is Sawando. You can get to Sawando from Matsumoto Station by bus. Then, take a taxi to Nakanoyu (no parking lot) and walk from there. It takes 6–8 hours for a round trip from Nakanoyu to Kappa Bridge.
    Norikura Highlands and Shirahone Hot Springs near Kamikochi are open even in winter and accessible by bus.

  • Can I go to Kamikochi before the opening ceremony (Apr 27)?

    Yes. Facilities like the information center and some restaurants are open, but most hotels are still preparing to open. There is still some snow on the trails (due to the weather and altitude), so just be sure to have proper footwear. It is a great time to go, because it is not busy (there are few Japanese tourists, but some foreigners including those in tour groups are there).

  • Is there snow in May, June, and October in the Japan Alps?

    Tall mountains (around 3,000 m) like Mt. Yari, Hotaka, and Jonen are covered with snow from around mid-October until the later part of June. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you only climb such mountains from July through September. From April to June and from October to November, you can hike in areas lower than 3,000 m, such as Mt. Hachibuse and Utsukushigahara, even if there is snow on the trails.

  • I want to camp in Kamikochi. Should I book a spot for my tent in Konashidaira or Tokusawa-en campsites?

    If you have your own tent, you don’t need to worry about booking a spot. These campsites don’t accept bookings for their free tent spots. More than several hundred tents can be pitched, and they do not fill up even in their busiest season.

    Konashidaira has small rental tents and mats, but they can’t be reserved. Tokusawa-en has fixed tents and you can reserve them.

  • I want to stay in a mountain lodge (yamagoya). What kind of facilities do they provide? Should I reserve it ahead of time?

    Yamagoya provide the minimum facilities and service for climbers, so you can use bedding (futon, no bed), food, and water (no shower). Usually you don’t have to book in advance, because yamagoya must accept any climber without reservation for climbers’ safety (but you should reach the yamagoya early in the afternoon: before 3 p.m. if possible, 5 p.m. at the latest).

  • Do you have any advice on a good one-day intermediate hike?

    How about Mt. Yakedake, a volcano in the Japan Alps about 10 km hike from/to Kamikochi? Refer to this webpage. It is an active volcano, but less dangerous than other mountains like Mt. Asama and Ontake so you are able to climb to the top. Another suggestion is Mt. Norikura. It is at a high elevation (3,026m), but not especially difficult, because you can go up to a 2,700-meter point (Tatamidaira) by bus. It takes only 2.5 hours from/to Tatamidaira. Going down to Sanbon Fall Bus Stop (1,900 m) is a good one day hike (5.5 hr, 10 km). You can also visit our Hiking page for a more comprehensive list of hikes in the area.

  • Are there any multilingual hiking guides available?

    Northstar’s Alpine Lodge in Norikura, where the owner and some workers are English native speakers, offer tours such as hiking in summer and snowshoeing in winter. For private guides for hire, see Guides.

Wandern & Bergsteigen

  • Can I go to Kamikochi in winter?

    Kamikochi’s public facilities are completely closed in winter (Nov 16 to mid-Apr). You can only enter there on foot. You need snowshoes, other appropriate equipment, and winter hiking experience. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you go with an experienced person or guide only when conditions are good. There are local guided tours through Kamikochi offered by companies including Little Peaks (Japanese site) in winter.

    The closest place to enter Kamikochi during the winter is Sawando. You can get to Sawando from Matsumoto Station by bus. Then, take a taxi to Nakanoyu (no parking lot) and walk from there. It takes 6–8 hours for a round trip from Nakanoyu to Kappa Bridge.
    Norikura Highlands and Shirahone Hot Springs near Kamikochi are open even in winter and accessible by bus.

  • Can I go to Kamikochi before the opening ceremony (Apr 27)?

    Yes. Facilities like the information center and some restaurants are open, but most hotels are still preparing to open. There is still some snow on the trails (due to the weather and altitude), so just be sure to have proper footwear. It is a great time to go, because it is not busy (there are few Japanese tourists, but some foreigners including those in tour groups are there).

  • Is there snow in May, June, and October in the Japan Alps?

    Tall mountains (around 3,000 m) like Mt. Yari, Hotaka, and Jonen are covered with snow from around mid-October until the later part of June. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you only climb such mountains from July through September. From April to June and from October to November, you can hike in areas lower than 3,000 m, such as Mt. Hachibuse and Utsukushigahara, even if there is snow on the trails.

  • I want to camp in Kamikochi. Should I book a spot for my tent in Konashidaira or Tokusawa-en campsites?

    If you have your own tent, you don’t need to worry about booking a spot. These campsites don’t accept bookings for their free tent spots. More than several hundred tents can be pitched, and they do not fill up even in their busiest season.

    Konashidaira has small rental tents and mats, but they can’t be reserved. Tokusawa-en has fixed tents and you can reserve them.

  • I want to stay in a mountain lodge (yamagoya). What kind of facilities do they provide? Should I reserve it ahead of time?

    Yamagoya provide the minimum facilities and service for climbers, so you can use bedding (futon, no bed), food, and water (no shower). Usually you don’t have to book in advance, because yamagoya must accept any climber without reservation for climbers’ safety (but you should reach the yamagoya early in the afternoon: before 3 p.m. if possible, 5 p.m. at the latest).

  • Do you have any advice on a good one-day intermediate hike?

    How about Mt. Yakedake, a volcano in the Japan Alps about 10 km hike from/to Kamikochi? Refer to this webpage. It is an active volcano, but less dangerous than other mountains like Mt. Asama and Ontake so you are able to climb to the top. Another suggestion is Mt. Norikura. It is at a high elevation (3,026m), but not especially difficult, because you can go up to a 2,700-meter point (Tatamidaira) by bus. It takes only 2.5 hours from/to Tatamidaira. Going down to Sanbon Fall Bus Stop (1,900 m) is a good one day hike (5.5 hr, 10 km). You can also visit our Hiking page for a more comprehensive list of hikes in the area.

  • Are there any multilingual hiking guides available?

    Northstar’s Alpine Lodge in Norikura, where the owner and some workers are English native speakers, offer tours such as hiking in summer and snowshoeing in winter. For private guides for hire, see Guides.


  • Can I go to Kamikochi in winter?

    Kamikochi’s public facilities are completely closed in winter (Nov 16 to mid-Apr). You can only enter there on foot. You need snowshoes, other appropriate equipment, and winter hiking experience. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you go with an experienced person or guide only when conditions are good. There are local guided tours through Kamikochi offered by companies including Little Peaks (Japanese site) in winter.

    The closest place to enter Kamikochi during the winter is Sawando. You can get to Sawando from Matsumoto Station by bus. Then, take a taxi to Nakanoyu (no parking lot) and walk from there. It takes 6–8 hours for a round trip from Nakanoyu to Kappa Bridge.
    Norikura Highlands and Shirahone Hot Springs near Kamikochi are open even in winter and accessible by bus.

  • Can I go to Kamikochi before the opening ceremony (Apr 27)?

    Yes. Facilities like the information center and some restaurants are open, but most hotels are still preparing to open. There is still some snow on the trails (due to the weather and altitude), so just be sure to have proper footwear. It is a great time to go, because it is not busy (there are few Japanese tourists, but some foreigners including those in tour groups are there).

  • Is there snow in May, June, and October in the Japan Alps?

    Tall mountains (around 3,000 m) like Mt. Yari, Hotaka, and Jonen are covered with snow from around mid-October until the later part of June. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you only climb such mountains from July through September. From April to June and from October to November, you can hike in areas lower than 3,000 m, such as Mt. Hachibuse and Utsukushigahara, even if there is snow on the trails.

  • I want to camp in Kamikochi. Should I book a spot for my tent in Konashidaira or Tokusawa-en campsites?

    If you have your own tent, you don’t need to worry about booking a spot. These campsites don’t accept bookings for their free tent spots. More than several hundred tents can be pitched, and they do not fill up even in their busiest season.

    Konashidaira has small rental tents and mats, but they can’t be reserved. Tokusawa-en has fixed tents and you can reserve them.

  • I want to stay in a mountain lodge (yamagoya). What kind of facilities do they provide? Should I reserve it ahead of time?

    Yamagoya provide the minimum facilities and service for climbers, so you can use bedding (futon, no bed), food, and water (no shower). Usually you don’t have to book in advance, because yamagoya must accept any climber without reservation for climbers’ safety (but you should reach the yamagoya early in the afternoon: before 3 p.m. if possible, 5 p.m. at the latest).

  • Do you have any advice on a good one-day intermediate hike?

    How about Mt. Yakedake, a volcano in the Japan Alps about 10 km hike from/to Kamikochi? Refer to this webpage. It is an active volcano, but less dangerous than other mountains like Mt. Asama and Ontake so you are able to climb to the top. Another suggestion is Mt. Norikura. It is at a high elevation (3,026m), but not especially difficult, because you can go up to a 2,700-meter point (Tatamidaira) by bus. It takes only 2.5 hours from/to Tatamidaira. Going down to Sanbon Fall Bus Stop (1,900 m) is a good one day hike (5.5 hr, 10 km). You can also visit our Hiking page for a more comprehensive list of hikes in the area.

  • Are there any multilingual hiking guides available?

    Northstar’s Alpine Lodge in Norikura, where the owner and some workers are English native speakers, offer tours such as hiking in summer and snowshoeing in winter. For private guides for hire, see Guides.

Альпинизм и походы

  • Can I go to Kamikochi in winter?

    Kamikochi’s public facilities are completely closed in winter (Nov 16 to mid-Apr). You can only enter there on foot. You need snowshoes, other appropriate equipment, and winter hiking experience. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you go with an experienced person or guide only when conditions are good. There are local guided tours through Kamikochi offered by companies including Little Peaks (Japanese site) in winter.

    The closest place to enter Kamikochi during the winter is Sawando. You can get to Sawando from Matsumoto Station by bus. Then, take a taxi to Nakanoyu (no parking lot) and walk from there. It takes 6–8 hours for a round trip from Nakanoyu to Kappa Bridge.
    Norikura Highlands and Shirahone Hot Springs near Kamikochi are open even in winter and accessible by bus.

  • Can I go to Kamikochi before the opening ceremony (Apr 27)?

    Yes. Facilities like the information center and some restaurants are open, but most hotels are still preparing to open. There is still some snow on the trails (due to the weather and altitude), so just be sure to have proper footwear. It is a great time to go, because it is not busy (there are few Japanese tourists, but some foreigners including those in tour groups are there).

  • Is there snow in May, June, and October in the Japan Alps?

    Tall mountains (around 3,000 m) like Mt. Yari, Hotaka, and Jonen are covered with snow from around mid-October until the later part of June. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you only climb such mountains from July through September. From April to June and from October to November, you can hike in areas lower than 3,000 m, such as Mt. Hachibuse and Utsukushigahara, even if there is snow on the trails.

  • I want to camp in Kamikochi. Should I book a spot for my tent in Konashidaira or Tokusawa-en campsites?

    If you have your own tent, you don’t need to worry about booking a spot. These campsites don’t accept bookings for their free tent spots. More than several hundred tents can be pitched, and they do not fill up even in their busiest season.

    Konashidaira has small rental tents and mats, but they can’t be reserved. Tokusawa-en has fixed tents and you can reserve them.

  • I want to stay in a mountain lodge (yamagoya). What kind of facilities do they provide? Should I reserve it ahead of time?

    Yamagoya provide the minimum facilities and service for climbers, so you can use bedding (futon, no bed), food, and water (no shower). Usually you don’t have to book in advance, because yamagoya must accept any climber without reservation for climbers’ safety (but you should reach the yamagoya early in the afternoon: before 3 p.m. if possible, 5 p.m. at the latest).

  • Do you have any advice on a good one-day intermediate hike?

    How about Mt. Yakedake, a volcano in the Japan Alps about 10 km hike from/to Kamikochi? Refer to this webpage. It is an active volcano, but less dangerous than other mountains like Mt. Asama and Ontake so you are able to climb to the top. Another suggestion is Mt. Norikura. It is at a high elevation (3,026m), but not especially difficult, because you can go up to a 2,700-meter point (Tatamidaira) by bus. It takes only 2.5 hours from/to Tatamidaira. Going down to Sanbon Fall Bus Stop (1,900 m) is a good one day hike (5.5 hr, 10 km). You can also visit our Hiking page for a more comprehensive list of hikes in the area.

  • Are there any multilingual hiking guides available?

    Northstar’s Alpine Lodge in Norikura, where the owner and some workers are English native speakers, offer tours such as hiking in summer and snowshoeing in winter. For private guides for hire, see Guides.

Gastronomique & Artisanat régional

  • Is there any halal or vegan restaurants/food?

    The owner/chef of restaurant Doon Shokudo Indoyama is Indian and offers a halal chicken curry and vegan gluten-free, nut-free menus.

    Healthy Penguin Cafe offers vegan food and is located just off of Nawate Street not far from the Castle. Some other restaurants have vegetarian menus. See our Cuisine page for listings.

    Halal Gourmet Japan is available online and as an app, and it introduces places offering halal and vegetarian dishes.

  • Is there any sports bar/cafe where I can watch sporting events, such as football matches?

    The Irish bar CELTS near Matsumoto Station (map), Spocafé Garage near Shinshu University (map), and Old Rock Pub have big-screen TVs, but they usually show the local soccer team Yamaga’s matches and big Japanese sports matches like a World Cup match. You might be able to ask the manager to show your favorite match if it is a popular event.

  • Are there any local craft beers?

    Matsumoto Brewery has been in business since 2016. They have a tap room in Nakamachi and are opening another one in the Shinmai Media Garden Building in Honmachi from April 2018. The owner also runs Old Rock so you can drink Matsumoto Brewery craft beers there, too.

  • Are there any places with cheap drinks?

    Tsukiji Ichiba Shokudo, an izakaya and its annex located on the brick road with the McDonald’s near the station, have happy hour with beer for ¥100 a glass from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also get a glass of whiskey from ¥130 and a glass of sake from ¥200 at 8 Ounce Standing Bar.

  • Are there any nightclubs or live houses?

    Bar & Lounge GNU, located in the building just east of the Bus Terminal, serves as a venue for live music events, DJ sessions, and dance parties. ALECX is also a popular live house, located on the B1 floor of the Nova Building along the street in front of the station.

  • Is there a 100 yen shop?

    There is one on the 7th floor of the Alpico Plaza/Bus Terminal Building.
    Another is Daiso on the 4th floor of the building with a Maruzen Bookstore, not far from the station. There is also a Seriya in Aeon Mall and some others in the suburbs.

  • Are there any farmer’s markets in Matsumoto?

    A small one is Kura Marche run by JA in Nakamachi and another small one is located on the 1st floor of the Matsumoto Station building’s Midori. Some larger ones are in the suburbs. A good one is Alps Ichiba which can be accessed from Matsumoto Station by bus.

  • Is there a large supermarket/international foods store?

    AEON Mall has a large supermarket that is part of their AEON STYLE store. The mall also has a Kaldi, which stocks a number of import and specialty items. Nagisa Life Site near Kita-Matsumoto Station has a large Tsuruya supermarket that is open till 8 p.m. It is accessible via the excursion bus Town Sneaker’s western route. Seiyu is a Wal-Mart store, and it is open 24 hours.

    There are a lot of other modern local supermarkets such as Delicia – one of which is located in the bus terminal building (Alpico Plaza) in front of the station.

  • Are there any big electronics shops?

    Nojima is in Aeon Mall and Yamada Denki (electronics) near Minami-Matsumoto Station is a bigger shop. Edion, also a big electronic shop chain, is closer from Matsumoto or Kita-Matsumoto Station and can be accessed by the Town Sneaker excursion bus (Nagisa Life Site stop).

  • Are there any flea markets in Matsumoto?

    Flea Market Shinshu (Japanese site) holds flea markets a few days every one or two months at Flower Clock Park in front of the Parco Department Store or Alps Park. Also, there are some good antique shops on Nawate Street and Nakamachi Street.

Esskultur & Regionale Produkte

  • Is there any halal or vegan restaurants/food?

    The owner/chef of restaurant Doon Shokudo Indoyama is Indian and offers a halal chicken curry and vegan gluten-free, nut-free menus.

    Healthy Penguin Cafe offers vegan food and is located just off of Nawate Street not far from the Castle. Some other restaurants have vegetarian menus. See our Cuisine page for listings.

    Halal Gourmet Japan is available online and as an app, and it introduces places offering halal and vegetarian dishes.

  • Is there any sports bar/cafe where I can watch sporting events, such as football matches?

    The Irish bar CELTS near Matsumoto Station (map), Spocafé Garage near Shinshu University (map), and Old Rock Pub have big-screen TVs, but they usually show the local soccer team Yamaga’s matches and big Japanese sports matches like a World Cup match. You might be able to ask the manager to show your favorite match if it is a popular event.

  • Are there any local craft beers?

    Matsumoto Brewery has been in business since 2016. They have a tap room in Nakamachi and are opening another one in the Shinmai Media Garden Building in Honmachi from April 2018. The owner also runs Old Rock so you can drink Matsumoto Brewery craft beers there, too.

  • Are there any places with cheap drinks?

    Tsukiji Ichiba Shokudo, an izakaya and its annex located on the brick road with the McDonald’s near the station, have happy hour with beer for ¥100 a glass from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also get a glass of whiskey from ¥130 and a glass of sake from ¥200 at 8 Ounce Standing Bar.

  • Are there any nightclubs or live houses?

    Bar & Lounge GNU, located in the building just east of the Bus Terminal, serves as a venue for live music events, DJ sessions, and dance parties. ALECX is also a popular live house, located on the B1 floor of the Nova Building along the street in front of the station.

  • Is there a 100 yen shop?

    There is one on the 7th floor of the Alpico Plaza/Bus Terminal Building.
    Another is Daiso on the 4th floor of the building with a Maruzen Bookstore, not far from the station. There is also a Seriya in Aeon Mall and some others in the suburbs.

  • Are there any farmer’s markets in Matsumoto?

    A small one is Kura Marche run by JA in Nakamachi and another small one is located on the 1st floor of the Matsumoto Station building’s Midori. Some larger ones are in the suburbs. A good one is Alps Ichiba which can be accessed from Matsumoto Station by bus.

  • Is there a large supermarket/international foods store?

    AEON Mall has a large supermarket that is part of their AEON STYLE store. The mall also has a Kaldi, which stocks a number of import and specialty items. Nagisa Life Site near Kita-Matsumoto Station has a large Tsuruya supermarket that is open till 8 p.m. It is accessible via the excursion bus Town Sneaker’s western route. Seiyu is a Wal-Mart store, and it is open 24 hours.

    There are a lot of other modern local supermarkets such as Delicia – one of which is located in the bus terminal building (Alpico Plaza) in front of the station.

  • Are there any big electronics shops?

    Nojima is in Aeon Mall and Yamada Denki (electronics) near Minami-Matsumoto Station is a bigger shop. Edion, also a big electronic shop chain, is closer from Matsumoto or Kita-Matsumoto Station and can be accessed by the Town Sneaker excursion bus (Nagisa Life Site stop).

  • Are there any flea markets in Matsumoto?

    Flea Market Shinshu (Japanese site) holds flea markets a few days every one or two months at Flower Clock Park in front of the Parco Department Store or Alps Park. Also, there are some good antique shops on Nawate Street and Nakamachi Street.


  • Is there any halal or vegan restaurants/food?

    The owner/chef of restaurant Doon Shokudo Indoyama is Indian and offers a halal chicken curry and vegan gluten-free, nut-free menus.

    Healthy Penguin Cafe offers vegan food and is located just off of Nawate Street not far from the Castle. Some other restaurants have vegetarian menus. See our Cuisine page for listings.

    Halal Gourmet Japan is available online and as an app, and it introduces places offering halal and vegetarian dishes.

  • Is there any sports bar/cafe where I can watch sporting events, such as football matches?

    The Irish bar CELTS near Matsumoto Station (map), Spocafé Garage near Shinshu University (map), and Old Rock Pub have big-screen TVs, but they usually show the local soccer team Yamaga’s matches and big Japanese sports matches like a World Cup match. You might be able to ask the manager to show your favorite match if it is a popular event.

  • Are there any local craft beers?

    Matsumoto Brewery has been in business since 2016. They have a tap room in Nakamachi and are opening another one in the Shinmai Media Garden Building in Honmachi from April 2018. The owner also runs Old Rock so you can drink Matsumoto Brewery craft beers there, too.

  • Are there any places with cheap drinks?

    Tsukiji Ichiba Shokudo, an izakaya and its annex located on the brick road with the McDonald’s near the station, have happy hour with beer for ¥100 a glass from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also get a glass of whiskey from ¥130 and a glass of sake from ¥200 at 8 Ounce Standing Bar.

  • Are there any nightclubs or live houses?

    Bar & Lounge GNU, located in the building just east of the Bus Terminal, serves as a venue for live music events, DJ sessions, and dance parties. ALECX is also a popular live house, located on the B1 floor of the Nova Building along the street in front of the station.

  • Is there a 100 yen shop?

    There is one on the 7th floor of the Alpico Plaza/Bus Terminal Building.
    Another is Daiso on the 4th floor of the building with a Maruzen Bookstore, not far from the station. There is also a Seriya in Aeon Mall and some others in the suburbs.

  • Are there any farmer’s markets in Matsumoto?

    A small one is Kura Marche run by JA in Nakamachi and another small one is located on the 1st floor of the Matsumoto Station building’s Midori. Some larger ones are in the suburbs. A good one is Alps Ichiba which can be accessed from Matsumoto Station by bus.

  • Is there a large supermarket/international foods store?

    AEON Mall has a large supermarket that is part of their AEON STYLE store. The mall also has a Kaldi, which stocks a number of import and specialty items. Nagisa Life Site near Kita-Matsumoto Station has a large Tsuruya supermarket that is open till 8 p.m. It is accessible via the excursion bus Town Sneaker’s western route. Seiyu is a Wal-Mart store, and it is open 24 hours.

    There are a lot of other modern local supermarkets such as Delicia – one of which is located in the bus terminal building (Alpico Plaza) in front of the station.

  • Are there any big electronics shops?

    Nojima is in Aeon Mall and Yamada Denki (electronics) near Minami-Matsumoto Station is a bigger shop. Edion, also a big electronic shop chain, is closer from Matsumoto or Kita-Matsumoto Station and can be accessed by the Town Sneaker excursion bus (Nagisa Life Site stop).

  • Are there any flea markets in Matsumoto?

    Flea Market Shinshu (Japanese site) holds flea markets a few days every one or two months at Flower Clock Park in front of the Parco Department Store or Alps Park. Also, there are some good antique shops on Nawate Street and Nakamachi Street.

Кухня и Покупки

  • Is there any halal or vegan restaurants/food?

    The owner/chef of restaurant Doon Shokudo Indoyama is Indian and offers a halal chicken curry and vegan gluten-free, nut-free menus.

    Healthy Penguin Cafe offers vegan food and is located just off of Nawate Street not far from the Castle. Some other restaurants have vegetarian menus. See our Cuisine page for listings.

    Halal Gourmet Japan is available online and as an app, and it introduces places offering halal and vegetarian dishes.

  • Is there any sports bar/cafe where I can watch sporting events, such as football matches?

    The Irish bar CELTS near Matsumoto Station (map), Spocafé Garage near Shinshu University (map), and Old Rock Pub have big-screen TVs, but they usually show the local soccer team Yamaga’s matches and big Japanese sports matches like a World Cup match. You might be able to ask the manager to show your favorite match if it is a popular event.

  • Are there any local craft beers?

    Matsumoto Brewery has been in business since 2016. They have a tap room in Nakamachi and are opening another one in the Shinmai Media Garden Building in Honmachi from April 2018. The owner also runs Old Rock so you can drink Matsumoto Brewery craft beers there, too.

  • Are there any places with cheap drinks?

    Tsukiji Ichiba Shokudo, an izakaya and its annex located on the brick road with the McDonald’s near the station, have happy hour with beer for ¥100 a glass from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also get a glass of whiskey from ¥130 and a glass of sake from ¥200 at 8 Ounce Standing Bar.

  • Are there any nightclubs or live houses?

    Bar & Lounge GNU, located in the building just east of the Bus Terminal, serves as a venue for live music events, DJ sessions, and dance parties. ALECX is also a popular live house, located on the B1 floor of the Nova Building along the street in front of the station.

  • Is there a 100 yen shop?

    There is one on the 7th floor of the Alpico Plaza/Bus Terminal Building.
    Another is Daiso on the 4th floor of the building with a Maruzen Bookstore, not far from the station. There is also a Seriya in Aeon Mall and some others in the suburbs.

  • Are there any farmer’s markets in Matsumoto?

    A small one is Kura Marche run by JA in Nakamachi and another small one is located on the 1st floor of the Matsumoto Station building’s Midori. Some larger ones are in the suburbs. A good one is Alps Ichiba which can be accessed from Matsumoto Station by bus.

  • Is there a large supermarket/international foods store?

    AEON Mall has a large supermarket that is part of their AEON STYLE store. The mall also has a Kaldi, which stocks a number of import and specialty items. Nagisa Life Site near Kita-Matsumoto Station has a large Tsuruya supermarket that is open till 8 p.m. It is accessible via the excursion bus Town Sneaker’s western route. Seiyu is a Wal-Mart store, and it is open 24 hours.

    There are a lot of other modern local supermarkets such as Delicia – one of which is located in the bus terminal building (Alpico Plaza) in front of the station.

  • Are there any big electronics shops?

    Nojima is in Aeon Mall and Yamada Denki (electronics) near Minami-Matsumoto Station is a bigger shop. Edion, also a big electronic shop chain, is closer from Matsumoto or Kita-Matsumoto Station and can be accessed by the Town Sneaker excursion bus (Nagisa Life Site stop).

  • Are there any flea markets in Matsumoto?

    Flea Market Shinshu (Japanese site) holds flea markets a few days every one or two months at Flower Clock Park in front of the Parco Department Store or Alps Park. Also, there are some good antique shops on Nawate Street and Nakamachi Street.


  • มีบ่อน้ำพุร้อนสาธารณะแบบแช่รวมหรือรีสอร์ทบ่อน้ำพุร้อนที่มีห้องอาบน้ำส่วนตัวหรือไม่?


  • ในมัตสึโมโต้มียูธโฮสเทลหรือที่พักแรมราคาประหยัดหรือไม่?


  • มารุโมะเรียวกังมีอีเมล์ที่ใช้ติดต่อได้หรือไม่?

    จองผ่านทางโทรศัพท์ (+81-263-32-0115) หรือแฟ็กซ์ (+81-263-35-2251)

  • ต้องการนำสุนัขที่ได้รับการฝึกมาเป็นอย่างดีเข้าพักแรมด้วย มีที่พักแรมที่ไหนสามารถนำสัตว์เลี้ยงเข้าพักแรมได้บ้าง?


  • มีบ้านที่เปิดให้เช่าในระยะสั้นหรือไม่?


Hébergements & Sources thermales

  • Is there a mixed (coed) hot spring public bath or a hot spring hotel with a private bathroom?

    Awanoyu Ryokan, a famous inn in Shirahone, has an outdoor bath with milky water that is coed. You can soak in it even if you don’t stay there at night. Katsura-no-yu Marunaga Ryokan in Shirahone also has an outdoor mixed bath.
    Many ryokan (e.g. Tamanoyu in Asama Hot Springs and Izumiya Zenbei in Utsukushigahara Hot Springs) have a family bath and a family or couple can bathe together in their private hot spring bathroom (some have an outdoor bath).

  • Are there any youth hostels in Matsumoto or other cheap places to stay?

    There is one youth hostel at Norikura Kogen Hot Springs, a backpackers’ hostel in the heart of Matsumoto City, a few guesthouses, and also some cheap ryokans. See our Accommodation Directory for more information.

  • Does Marumo Ryokan have an email address they can be reached at?

    Reservations are taken over the phone (+81-263-32-0115) or by FAX (+81-263-35-2251).

  • We would like to bring our well trained dog. Are there any places that take pets?

    Sakura Shimizu is a cottage where you can stay with your trained dog.
    If your dog is small and you have a cage, you can stay in Akanejuku in Gakenoyu Hot Spring (reservation is required).
    Located in Norikura Highlands, Hidamari (Japanese website) specializes in stays with pets, or you can also stay in Aobaso with your pet. Pension Poetical is also located in Norikura, and they take pets.
    Kamikochi Hotel in Sawando Hot Springs has two guest rooms for pets.

  • Is there any short-term housing available?

    Leopalace21 offers monthly contracts for furnished apartments, allowing you to rent from 30 days. While not cheap, their 1K-size apartments make for convenient living arrangements. They have an English website.

Unterkünfte & Heiße Quellen (Onsen)

  • Is there a mixed (coed) hot spring public bath or a hot spring hotel with a private bathroom?

    Awanoyu Ryokan, a famous inn in Shirahone, has an outdoor bath with milky water that is coed. You can soak in it even if you don’t stay there at night. Katsura-no-yu Marunaga Ryokan in Shirahone also has an outdoor mixed bath.
    Many ryokan (e.g. Tamanoyu in Asama Hot Springs and Izumiya Zenbei in Utsukushigahara Hot Springs) have a family bath and a family or couple can bathe together in their private hot spring bathroom (some have an outdoor bath).

  • Are there any youth hostels in Matsumoto or other cheap places to stay?

    There is one youth hostel at Norikura Kogen Hot Springs, a backpackers’ hostel in the heart of Matsumoto City, a few guesthouses, and also some cheap ryokans. See our Accommodation Directory for more information.

  • Does Marumo Ryokan have an email address they can be reached at?

    Reservations are taken over the phone (+81-263-32-0115) or by FAX (+81-263-35-2251).

  • We would like to bring our well trained dog. Are there any places that take pets?

    Sakura Shimizu is a cottage where you can stay with your trained dog.
    If your dog is small and you have a cage, you can stay in Akanejuku in Gakenoyu Hot Spring (reservation is required).
    Located in Norikura Highlands, Hidamari (Japanese website) specializes in stays with pets, or you can also stay in Aobaso with your pet. Pension Poetical is also located in Norikura, and they take pets.
    Kamikochi Hotel in Sawando Hot Springs has two guest rooms for pets.

  • Is there any short-term housing available?

    Leopalace21 offers monthly contracts for furnished apartments, allowing you to rent from 30 days. While not cheap, their 1K-size apartments make for convenient living arrangements. They have an English website.


  • Is there a mixed (coed) hot spring public bath or a hot spring hotel with a private bathroom?

    Awanoyu Ryokan, a famous inn in Shirahone, has an outdoor bath with milky water that is coed. You can soak in it even if you don’t stay there at night. Katsura-no-yu Marunaga Ryokan in Shirahone also has an outdoor mixed bath.
    Many ryokan (e.g. Tamanoyu in Asama Hot Springs and Izumiya Zenbei in Utsukushigahara Hot Springs) have a family bath and a family or couple can bathe together in their private hot spring bathroom (some have an outdoor bath).

  • Are there any youth hostels in Matsumoto or other cheap places to stay?

    There is one youth hostel at Norikura Kogen Hot Springs, a backpackers’ hostel in the heart of Matsumoto City, a few guesthouses, and also some cheap ryokans. See our Accommodation Directory for more information.

  • Does Marumo Ryokan have an email address they can be reached at?

    Reservations are taken over the phone (+81-263-32-0115) or by FAX (+81-263-35-2251).

  • We would like to bring our well trained dog. Are there any places that take pets?

    Sakura Shimizu is a cottage where you can stay with your trained dog.
    If your dog is small and you have a cage, you can stay in Akanejuku in Gakenoyu Hot Spring (reservation is required).
    Located in Norikura Highlands, Hidamari (Japanese website) specializes in stays with pets, or you can also stay in Aobaso with your pet. Pension Poetical is also located in Norikura, and they take pets.
    Kamikochi Hotel in Sawando Hot Springs has two guest rooms for pets.

  • Is there any short-term housing available?

    Leopalace21 offers monthly contracts for furnished apartments, allowing you to rent from 30 days. While not cheap, their 1K-size apartments make for convenient living arrangements. They have an English website.

Гостиницы и Рёканы и Горячие источники – Онсэн -

  • Is there a mixed (coed) hot spring public bath or a hot spring hotel with a private bathroom?

    Awanoyu Ryokan, a famous inn in Shirahone, has an outdoor bath with milky water that is coed. You can soak in it even if you don’t stay there at night. Katsura-no-yu Marunaga Ryokan in Shirahone also has an outdoor mixed bath.
    Many ryokan (e.g. Tamanoyu in Asama Hot Springs and Izumiya Zenbei in Utsukushigahara Hot Springs) have a family bath and a family or couple can bathe together in their private hot spring bathroom (some have an outdoor bath).

  • Are there any youth hostels in Matsumoto or other cheap places to stay?

    There is one youth hostel at Norikura Kogen Hot Springs, a backpackers’ hostel in the heart of Matsumoto City, a few guesthouses, and also some cheap ryokans. See our Accommodation Directory for more information.

  • Does Marumo Ryokan have an email address they can be reached at?

    Reservations are taken over the phone (+81-263-32-0115) or by FAX (+81-263-35-2251).

  • We would like to bring our well trained dog. Are there any places that take pets?

    Sakura Shimizu is a cottage where you can stay with your trained dog.
    If your dog is small and you have a cage, you can stay in Akanejuku in Gakenoyu Hot Spring (reservation is required).
    Located in Norikura Highlands, Hidamari (Japanese website) specializes in stays with pets, or you can also stay in Aobaso with your pet. Pension Poetical is also located in Norikura, and they take pets.
    Kamikochi Hotel in Sawando Hot Springs has two guest rooms for pets.

  • Is there any short-term housing available?

    Leopalace21 offers monthly contracts for furnished apartments, allowing you to rent from 30 days. While not cheap, their 1K-size apartments make for convenient living arrangements. They have an English website.

การเดินทาง – จาก/ไปคามิโคจิ/ชินโฮตากะ/ทากายาม่า

  • สามารถโดยสารรถประจำทางไปเที่ยวที่คามิโคจิ แล้วเลยไปเที่ยวทากายาม่าได้ใน 1 วันหรือไม่?


  • จากมัตสึโมโต้จะเดินทางไปทากายาม่าได้อย่างไร?


  • จากมัตสึโมโต้จะเดินทางไปชินโฮตากะได้อย่างไร?

    มีรถบัสวิ่งตรง 2 เที่ยวต่อวัน ให้บริการเฉพาะฤดูท่องเที่ยวที่มีนักท่องเที่ยวหนาแน่นเท่านั้น (กลางเดือนเมษายน-กลางเดือนพฤษภาคม, กลางเดือนกรกฎาคม-กลางเดือนสิงหาคมและช่วงวันหยุดปีใหม่) ในช่วงเวลาอื่น สามารถขึ้นรถบัสจากสถานีรถประจำทางมัตสึโมโต้ไปลงที่น้ำพุร้อนฮิรายุ จากนั้นต่อรถบัสโนะฮิไปยังชินโฮตากะ ดูตารางเวลารถบัสอัลพิโก้และตารางเวลารถบัสโนะฮิ

  • สามารถสำรองที่นั่งบนรถบัสจากทากายาม่าไปคามิโคจิ จากคามิโคจิไปมัตสึโมโต้หรือจากทากายาม่าไปมัตสึโมโต้ได้หรือไม่?

    ไม่ได้ รถบัสดังกล่าวไม่สามารถสำรองที่นั่งล่วงหน้าได้

Транспорт и маршруты– Kamikochi, Shin-Hotaka и Takayama

  • Is it possible to take a bus to Kamikochi, go for a walk, and get to Takayama in one day?

    Yes, depending on your schedule. We suggest that you check the bus timetables and plan your schedule accordingly. In Kamikochi, the most popular hiking course from Kappa Bridge to Taisho Pond takes around 2 hours round trip. Sightseeing buses can bring you straight to the Kamikochi Bus Terminal near the bridge. Getting off a bus at Taisho Pond, hiking to Kappa Bridge, taking a bus from the Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen, then transferring to a bus to Takayama is the quickest trip.

    See timetable for Matsumoto to Kamikochi.
    See timetable for Hirayu Onsen/Takayama buses.

  • How can I access Takayama from Matsumoto?

    There is an express bus. See Alpico website’s Matsumoto-Takayama/Shin-Hotaka page for details about buses. Fare costs ¥3,190 one way and ¥5,660 round trip. Children’s tickets are half price. The Alpico Bus Company also sells Shinshu–Hida Alps Wide Free Passport, a 4-day unlimited ride ticket for buses running between Matsumoto, Kamikochi/Norikura, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and some other places in Gifu. It might be convenient and cheap if you travel to those areas.

  • How can I access Shin-Hotaka from Matsumoto?

    There are two direct buses a day only during peak season (mid-April to mid-May, mid-July to mid-August, and around New Year’s Day). For other days, take a bus from Matsumoto Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen and transfer to a Nohi Bus there.
    See Alpico Bus Timetable and Nohi Bus Timetable.

  • Is it necessary to book the bus from Takayama to Kamikochi, from Kamikochi to Matsumoto, and from Takayama to Matsumoto?

    No. The buses do not take reservations.

การเดินทาง – อื่นๆ

  • มีรถโดยสารสาธารณะใดบ้าง (นอกเหนือจากรถแท็กซี่) ที่สามารถเดินทางไปยังที่ราบสูงอุสึกุชิงะฮาร่าระหว่างฤดูหนาว?


  • จากอุทยาน “ลิงภูเขา” จิโกกุดานิจะเดินทางมายังมัตสึโมโต้ได้อย่างไร?


  • จากซึมาโกะ/มาโกเมะ (“เส้นทางซามูไร” นากะเซ็นโด เมืองที่พักแรมเก่าในคิโซะ) จะเดินทางมายังมัตสึโมโต้ได้อย่างไร?


  • จากเส้นทางแอลป์ทาเตยามะคุโรเบะจะเดินทางมายังมัตสึโมโต้ได้อย่างไร?

    ขึ้นรถบัสประจำทางมาลงที่สถานีชินาโน่-โอมัตจิ จากนั้นต่อรถไฟมายังมัตสึโมโต้ ดูรายละเอียดที่นี่

  • จากคานาซาว่าจะเดินทางมายังมัตสึโมโต้ได้อย่างไร? 


  • จากมัตสึโมโต้จะเดินทางไปชมดอกซากุระที่ทาคาโตะได้อย่างไร?

    สามารถเดินทางไปยังทาคาโตะได้โดยขึ้นรถไฟแล้วไปต่อด้วยรถบัส จากสถานีมัตสึโมโต้ขึ้นรถไฟสายชูโอหรือรถไฟด่วนพิเศษซุปเปอร์อะซูสะไปลงที่สถานีโอกาย่า (30 นาที) จากสถานีโอกาย่าต่อรถไฟสายอีดะไปลงที่สถานีอีนะชิ (50 นาที) จากนั้นนั่งรถบัสไปลงที่ป้ายทาคาโตะเอกิ (25 นาที) แล้วเดินอีก 15 นาทีเพื่อขึ้นไปยังอุทยาน รถบัสออกทุกๆ 20 นาที

  • ฉันจะไปถึงมัตสึโมโต้กลางดึก ภายในสถานีรถไฟหรือที่อื่นๆ มีที่ไหนบ้างที่สามารถอยู่รอจนกว่ารถไฟเที่ยวแรกหรือรถบัสเที่ยวแรกจะออกได้บ้าง?


교통 – 가미코치・신호타카・다카야마

  • Is it possible to take a bus to Kamikochi, go for a walk, and get to Takayama in one day?

    Yes, depending on your schedule. We suggest that you check the bus timetables and plan your schedule accordingly. In Kamikochi, the most popular hiking course from Kappa Bridge to Taisho Pond takes around 2 hours round trip. Sightseeing buses can bring you straight to the Kamikochi Bus Terminal near the bridge. Getting off a bus at Taisho Pond, hiking to Kappa Bridge, taking a bus from the Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen, then transferring to a bus to Takayama is the quickest trip.

    See timetable for Matsumoto to Kamikochi.
    See timetable for Hirayu Onsen/Takayama buses.

  • How can I access Takayama from Matsumoto?

    There is an express bus. See Alpico website’s Matsumoto-Takayama/Shin-Hotaka page for details about buses. Fare costs ¥3,190 one way and ¥5,660 round trip. Children’s tickets are half price. The Alpico Bus Company also sells Shinshu–Hida Alps Wide Free Passport, a 4-day unlimited ride ticket for buses running between Matsumoto, Kamikochi/Norikura, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and some other places in Gifu. It might be convenient and cheap if you travel to those areas.

  • How can I access Shin-Hotaka from Matsumoto?

    There are two direct buses a day only during peak season (mid-April to mid-May, mid-July to mid-August, and around New Year’s Day). For other days, take a bus from Matsumoto Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen and transfer to a Nohi Bus there.
    See Alpico Bus Timetable and Nohi Bus Timetable.

  • Is it necessary to book the bus from Takayama to Kamikochi, from Kamikochi to Matsumoto, and from Takayama to Matsumoto?

    No. The buses do not take reservations.

Transport & Itinéraires – Kamikochi, Shin-Hotaka & Takayama

  • Is it possible to take a bus to Kamikochi, go for a walk, and get to Takayama in one day?

    Yes, depending on your schedule. We suggest that you check the bus timetables and plan your schedule accordingly. In Kamikochi, the most popular hiking course from Kappa Bridge to Taisho Pond takes around 2 hours round trip. Sightseeing buses can bring you straight to the Kamikochi Bus Terminal near the bridge. Getting off a bus at Taisho Pond, hiking to Kappa Bridge, taking a bus from the Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen, then transferring to a bus to Takayama is the quickest trip.

    See timetable for Matsumoto to Kamikochi.
    See timetable for Hirayu Onsen/Takayama buses.

  • How can I access Takayama from Matsumoto?

    There is an express bus. See Alpico website’s Matsumoto-Takayama/Shin-Hotaka page for details about buses. Fare costs ¥3,190 one way and ¥5,660 round trip. Children’s tickets are half price. The Alpico Bus Company also sells Shinshu–Hida Alps Wide Free Passport, a 4-day unlimited ride ticket for buses running between Matsumoto, Kamikochi/Norikura, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and some other places in Gifu. It might be convenient and cheap if you travel to those areas.

  • How can I access Shin-Hotaka from Matsumoto?

    There are two direct buses a day only during peak season (mid-April to mid-May, mid-July to mid-August, and around New Year’s Day). For other days, take a bus from Matsumoto Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen and transfer to a Nohi Bus there.
    See Alpico Bus Timetable and Nohi Bus Timetable.

  • Is it necessary to book the bus from Takayama to Kamikochi, from Kamikochi to Matsumoto, and from Takayama to Matsumoto?

    No. The buses do not take reservations.

Verkehrsmittel & -wege – Kamikochi, Shin-Hotak & Takayama

  • Is it possible to take a bus to Kamikochi, go for a walk, and get to Takayama in one day?

    Yes, depending on your schedule. We suggest that you check the bus timetables and plan your schedule accordingly. In Kamikochi, the most popular hiking course from Kappa Bridge to Taisho Pond takes around 2 hours round trip. Sightseeing buses can bring you straight to the Kamikochi Bus Terminal near the bridge. Getting off a bus at Taisho Pond, hiking to Kappa Bridge, taking a bus from the Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen, then transferring to a bus to Takayama is the quickest trip.

    See timetable for Matsumoto to Kamikochi.
    See timetable for Hirayu Onsen/Takayama buses.

  • How can I access Takayama from Matsumoto?

    There is an express bus. See Alpico website’s Matsumoto-Takayama/Shin-Hotaka page for details about buses. Fare costs ¥3,190 one way and ¥5,660 round trip. Children’s tickets are half price. The Alpico Bus Company also sells Shinshu–Hida Alps Wide Free Passport, a 4-day unlimited ride ticket for buses running between Matsumoto, Kamikochi/Norikura, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and some other places in Gifu. It might be convenient and cheap if you travel to those areas.

  • How can I access Shin-Hotaka from Matsumoto?

    There are two direct buses a day only during peak season (mid-April to mid-May, mid-July to mid-August, and around New Year’s Day). For other days, take a bus from Matsumoto Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen and transfer to a Nohi Bus there.
    See Alpico Bus Timetable and Nohi Bus Timetable.

  • Is it necessary to book the bus from Takayama to Kamikochi, from Kamikochi to Matsumoto, and from Takayama to Matsumoto?

    No. The buses do not take reservations.

Verkehrsmittel & -wege – Mehr

  • Is there any form of public transport (besides taxi) during winter to get to Utsukushigahara Highlands?

    Buses run during a few select periods in the summer only. If you stay in Utsukushigahara’s Ougatou Hotel or Yamamoto Goya Furusato-kan (cheaper than Ougatou Hotel), they have a shuttle bus service from Matsumoto Station. Be sure to reserve the bus for Ougatou Hotel as there are road restrictions in the winter, and you cannot access the hotel in your own vehicle. Yamamoto Goya does not pick up from Matsumoto Station in the winter (the pick-up location changes). See the Utsukushigahara Highlands page.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Jigokudani Monkey Park?

    Take a taxi or bus to Yudanaka Station then take the Nagano Dentetsu Line train to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    Take an express bus from the Kanbayashi Onsen bus stop straight to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    More information is available in English on the park’s website.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Tsumago/Magome (Nakasendo ‘Samurai Trail’ post towns in Kiso)?

    A local bus runs between Tsumago and Magome. From Tsumago, you can catch a local bus to Nagiso Station and take either a local train or the Ltd. Exp. Shinano straight to Matsumoto. Visit the Nagiso Town Tourism Association’s official website for timetables and more information in English.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route?

    Take a local bus to Shinano Omachi Station then take a train to Matsumoto. See the Access page’s Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route section for details.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Kanazawa?

    Train: From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Nagano Station then transfer to the Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.

    Bus: A cheaper method would be to take a bus from Kanazawa to Takayama, transfer at Takayama, and take another bus directly to Matsumoto. See the Three-Star Route bus ticket.

    (See the question above regarding access from Takayama.)

  • From Matsumoto, how can I access Takato to see the cherry blossoms?

    You can access the park via a combination of train and bus. From Matsumoto Station you will take the JR Chuo Line or the Super Express Azusa to Okaya Station (30 min). Transfer at Okaya Station to the JR Iida Line and get off at Inashi Station (50 min). Take a bus to the Takato Eki stop (25 min) then walk about 15 minutes to the park. The buses depart about every 20 minutes.

  • I will arrive at Matsumoto around midnight. Is there a place in the station or elsewhere I can stay until the first train/bus?

    Matsumoto Station’s long, wide concourse remains unlocked 24 hours. There are no chairs, but you can stay in the concourse (not necessarily dangerous, but remain at your own risk). The waiting room is closed until 15 – 30 minutes before the first train.

    Karaoke boxes and manga/internet cafés near the station are open 24 hours. You can pay to stay in a private room.
    ALPICO Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal’s waiting area opens from 4:40 a.m.

교통 – 그 외

  • Is there any form of public transport (besides taxi) during winter to get to Utsukushigahara Highlands?

    Buses run during a few select periods in the summer only. If you stay in Utsukushigahara’s Ougatou Hotel or Yamamoto Goya Furusato-kan (cheaper than Ougatou Hotel), they have a shuttle bus service from Matsumoto Station. Be sure to reserve the bus for Ougatou Hotel as there are road restrictions in the winter, and you cannot access the hotel in your own vehicle. Yamamoto Goya does not pick up from Matsumoto Station in the winter (the pick-up location changes). See the Utsukushigahara Highlands page.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Jigokudani Monkey Park?

    Take a taxi or bus to Yudanaka Station then take the Nagano Dentetsu Line train to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    Take an express bus from the Kanbayashi Onsen bus stop straight to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    More information is available in English on the park’s website.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Tsumago/Magome (Nakasendo ‘Samurai Trail’ post towns in Kiso)?

    A local bus runs between Tsumago and Magome. From Tsumago, you can catch a local bus to Nagiso Station and take either a local train or the Ltd. Exp. Shinano straight to Matsumoto. Visit the Nagiso Town Tourism Association’s official website for timetables and more information in English.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route?

    Take a local bus to Shinano Omachi Station then take a train to Matsumoto. See the Access page’s Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route section for details.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Kanazawa?

    Train: From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Nagano Station then transfer to the Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.

    Bus: A cheaper method would be to take a bus from Kanazawa to Takayama, transfer at Takayama, and take another bus directly to Matsumoto. See the Three-Star Route bus ticket.

    (See the question above regarding access from Takayama.)

  • From Matsumoto, how can I access Takato to see the cherry blossoms?

    You can access the park via a combination of train and bus. From Matsumoto Station you will take the JR Chuo Line or the Super Express Azusa to Okaya Station (30 min). Transfer at Okaya Station to the JR Iida Line and get off at Inashi Station (50 min). Take a bus to the Takato Eki stop (25 min) then walk about 15 minutes to the park. The buses depart about every 20 minutes.

  • I will arrive at Matsumoto around midnight. Is there a place in the station or elsewhere I can stay until the first train/bus?

    Matsumoto Station’s long, wide concourse remains unlocked 24 hours. There are no chairs, but you can stay in the concourse (not necessarily dangerous, but remain at your own risk). The waiting room is closed until 15 – 30 minutes before the first train.

    Karaoke boxes and manga/internet cafés near the station are open 24 hours. You can pay to stay in a private room.
    ALPICO Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal’s waiting area opens from 4:40 a.m.

Транспорт и маршруты – Прочая

  • Is there any form of public transport (besides taxi) during winter to get to Utsukushigahara Highlands?

    Buses run during a few select periods in the summer only. If you stay in Utsukushigahara’s Ougatou Hotel or Yamamoto Goya Furusato-kan (cheaper than Ougatou Hotel), they have a shuttle bus service from Matsumoto Station. Be sure to reserve the bus for Ougatou Hotel as there are road restrictions in the winter, and you cannot access the hotel in your own vehicle. Yamamoto Goya does not pick up from Matsumoto Station in the winter (the pick-up location changes). See the Utsukushigahara Highlands page.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Jigokudani Monkey Park?

    Take a taxi or bus to Yudanaka Station then take the Nagano Dentetsu Line train to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    Take an express bus from the Kanbayashi Onsen bus stop straight to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    More information is available in English on the park’s website.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Tsumago/Magome (Nakasendo ‘Samurai Trail’ post towns in Kiso)?

    A local bus runs between Tsumago and Magome. From Tsumago, you can catch a local bus to Nagiso Station and take either a local train or the Ltd. Exp. Shinano straight to Matsumoto. Visit the Nagiso Town Tourism Association’s official website for timetables and more information in English.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route?

    Take a local bus to Shinano Omachi Station then take a train to Matsumoto. See the Access page’s Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route section for details.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Kanazawa?

    Train: From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Nagano Station then transfer to the Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.

    Bus: A cheaper method would be to take a bus from Kanazawa to Takayama, transfer at Takayama, and take another bus directly to Matsumoto. See the Three-Star Route bus ticket.

    (See the question above regarding access from Takayama.)

  • From Matsumoto, how can I access Takato to see the cherry blossoms?

    You can access the park via a combination of train and bus. From Matsumoto Station you will take the JR Chuo Line or the Super Express Azusa to Okaya Station (30 min). Transfer at Okaya Station to the JR Iida Line and get off at Inashi Station (50 min). Take a bus to the Takato Eki stop (25 min) then walk about 15 minutes to the park. The buses depart about every 20 minutes.

  • I will arrive at Matsumoto around midnight. Is there a place in the station or elsewhere I can stay until the first train/bus?

    Matsumoto Station’s long, wide concourse remains unlocked 24 hours. There are no chairs, but you can stay in the concourse (not necessarily dangerous, but remain at your own risk). The waiting room is closed until 15 – 30 minutes before the first train.

    Karaoke boxes and manga/internet cafés near the station are open 24 hours. You can pay to stay in a private room.
    ALPICO Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal’s waiting area opens from 4:40 a.m.


  • สามารถใช้ Wi-Fi และอินเตอร์เน็ตได้ที่ไหนบ้าง?

    ดูจุดให้บริการ Wi-Fi ได้ที่ข้อมูลน่ารู้สำหรับการท่องเที่ยวในหน้าวางแผนการเดินทาง

  • สามารถชาร์จโทรศัพท์มือถือหรืออุปกรณ์ต่างๆ ได้ที่ไหนบ้าง


  • มีตู้ ATM ที่ไหนบ้างที่สามารถใช้บัตรต่างประเทศได้? สามารถแลกเงินได้ที่ไหนบ้าง?

    ดูหน้าการแลกเปลี่ยนเงินตรา&ATM ซึ่งอยู่ในส่วนของข้อมูลน่ารู้สำหรับการท่องเที่ยว ในหน้าวางแผนการเดินทาง

  • มีข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับสถานที่ถ่ายทำภาพยนตร์/ฉากในการ์ตูนเรื่อง “ออร์เร้นจ์” หรือไม่?

    มีแผนที่สถานที่ถ่ายทำภาพยนตร์/ฉากในการ์ตูนเรื่อง “ออร์เร้นจ์” ที่ศูนย์ประชาสัมพันธ์การท่องเที่ยวเมืองมัตสึโมโต้เป็นภาษาญี่ปุ่น

    สามารถดาวน์โหลดแอพพลิเคชั่น “Butai Meguri” ซึ่งเป็นแอพฯ ที่แสดงสถานที่ถ่ายทำภาพยนตร์ สามารถดูเรื่องราวเชิงลึกของภาพยนตร์เรื่องออร์เร้นจ์ได้ แต่รายละเอียดจะเป็นภาษาญี่ปุ่น

  • มีไกด์หลายภาษาให้บริการหรือไม่


  • มัตสึโมโต้มีเทศกาลอะไรที่มีชื่อเสียงบ้าง?


Transport & Itinéraires – Autre

  • Is there any form of public transport (besides taxi) during winter to get to Utsukushigahara Highlands?

    Buses run during a few select periods in the summer only. If you stay in Utsukushigahara’s Ougatou Hotel or Yamamoto Goya Furusato-kan (cheaper than Ougatou Hotel), they have a shuttle bus service from Matsumoto Station. Be sure to reserve the bus for Ougatou Hotel as there are road restrictions in the winter, and you cannot access the hotel in your own vehicle. Yamamoto Goya does not pick up from Matsumoto Station in the winter (the pick-up location changes). See the Utsukushigahara Highlands page.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Jigokudani Monkey Park?

    Take a taxi or bus to Yudanaka Station then take the Nagano Dentetsu Line train to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    Take an express bus from the Kanbayashi Onsen bus stop straight to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    More information is available in English on the park’s website.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Tsumago/Magome (Nakasendo ‘Samurai Trail’ post towns in Kiso)?

    A local bus runs between Tsumago and Magome. From Tsumago, you can catch a local bus to Nagiso Station and take either a local train or the Ltd. Exp. Shinano straight to Matsumoto. Visit the Nagiso Town Tourism Association’s official website for timetables and more information in English.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route?

    Take a local bus to Shinano Omachi Station then take a train to Matsumoto. See the Access page’s Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route section for details.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Kanazawa?

    Train: From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Nagano Station then transfer to the Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.

    Bus: A cheaper method would be to take a bus from Kanazawa to Takayama, transfer at Takayama, and take another bus directly to Matsumoto. See the Three-Star Route bus ticket.

    (See the question above regarding access from Takayama.)

  • From Matsumoto, how can I access Takato to see the cherry blossoms?

    You can access the park via a combination of train and bus. From Matsumoto Station you will take the JR Chuo Line or the Super Express Azusa to Okaya Station (30 min). Transfer at Okaya Station to the JR Iida Line and get off at Inashi Station (50 min). Take a bus to the Takato Eki stop (25 min) then walk about 15 minutes to the park. The buses depart about every 20 minutes.

  • I will arrive at Matsumoto around midnight. Is there a place in the station or elsewhere I can stay until the first train/bus?

    Matsumoto Station’s long, wide concourse remains unlocked 24 hours. There are no chairs, but you can stay in the concourse (not necessarily dangerous, but remain at your own risk). The waiting room is closed until 15 – 30 minutes before the first train.

    Karaoke boxes and manga/internet cafés near the station are open 24 hours. You can pay to stay in a private room.
    ALPICO Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal’s waiting area opens from 4:40 a.m.


  • 有无外国人社区或地方,可让我和住在松本市的外国人碰面?


  • 有无面向外籍人士的咨询服务?


  • 学习日语


  • 哪里可以获得经过大使馆公证或翻译的官方文档?



  • 有無外國人社群或地方,可讓我與住在松本市的外國人碰面?


  • 有無外籍人士的諮詢服務?


  • 學習日文


  • 何處可以獲得經過大使館公證或翻譯的官方文件?


Informations de voyage utiles & Autre

  • Where can I use Wi-Fi/internet?

    See our Wi-Fi Spots section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Where can I charge my phone or other device?

    There is a Starbucks in Matsumoto Station. The Gusto near M Wing also offers seating with outlets. You can also use the outlets in Alpico Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal if you are waiting for a bus. Finally, there are outlets near the ATM in the Ote Tourist Information Center. Please try to keep your charging period brief as to not inconvenience others.

  • Where are ATMs that accept international cards? / Where can I exchange money?

    See our Currency Exchange & ATMs section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Is there any information on the locations that appear in the manga/anime “Orange”?

    There are Japanese location maps of the manga and movie (separately) in Tourist Information Centers in Matsumoto. Also, you can download an app Butai Meguri that show you where the locations are. Details are in Japanese. See our in depth story on Orange.

  • Are there any multilingual guides available for hire?

    See our Guides page.

  • Does Matsumoto have any famous festivals?

    Various themed festivals are held throughout the year. Some of the more lively festivals include the Asama Onsen Torch Festival (Taimatsu Matsuri), Tenjin Matsuri, Taiko Drum Festival, and the dance festival Matsumoto Bon-Bon. See our Festivals & Events page.

여행의 편리 정보・그 외

  • Where can I use Wi-Fi/internet?

    See our Wi-Fi Spots section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Where can I charge my phone or other device?

    There is a Starbucks in Matsumoto Station. The Gusto near M Wing also offers seating with outlets. You can also use the outlets in Alpico Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal if you are waiting for a bus. Finally, there are outlets near the ATM in the Ote Tourist Information Center. Please try to keep your charging period brief as to not inconvenience others.

  • Where are ATMs that accept international cards? / Where can I exchange money?

    See our Currency Exchange & ATMs section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Is there any information on the locations that appear in the manga/anime “Orange”?

    There are Japanese location maps of the manga and movie (separately) in Tourist Information Centers in Matsumoto. Also, you can download an app Butai Meguri that show you where the locations are. Details are in Japanese. See our in depth story on Orange.

  • Are there any multilingual guides available for hire?

    See our Guides page.

  • Does Matsumoto have any famous festivals?

    Various themed festivals are held throughout the year. Some of the more lively festivals include the Asama Onsen Torch Festival (Taimatsu Matsuri), Tenjin Matsuri, Taiko Drum Festival, and the dance festival Matsumoto Bon-Bon. See our Festivals & Events page.

Прочая полезная информация для путешественников

  • Where can I use Wi-Fi/internet?

    See our Wi-Fi Spots section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Where can I charge my phone or other device?

    There is a Starbucks in Matsumoto Station. The Gusto near M Wing also offers seating with outlets. You can also use the outlets in Alpico Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal if you are waiting for a bus. Finally, there are outlets near the ATM in the Ote Tourist Information Center. Please try to keep your charging period brief as to not inconvenience others.

  • Where are ATMs that accept international cards? / Where can I exchange money?

    See our Currency Exchange & ATMs section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Is there any information on the locations that appear in the manga/anime “Orange”?

    There are Japanese location maps of the manga and movie (separately) in Tourist Information Centers in Matsumoto. Also, you can download an app Butai Meguri that show you where the locations are. Details are in Japanese. See our in depth story on Orange.

  • Are there any multilingual guides available for hire?

    See our Guides page.

  • Does Matsumoto have any famous festivals?

    Various themed festivals are held throughout the year. Some of the more lively festivals include the Asama Onsen Torch Festival (Taimatsu Matsuri), Tenjin Matsuri, Taiko Drum Festival, and the dance festival Matsumoto Bon-Bon. See our Festivals & Events page.

ชุมชนคนต่างชาติ การให้ความช่วยเหลือทั่วไปและให้คำปรึกษา



  • 萬一發生嚴重的地震或其他緊急狀況,我該怎麽辦?



  • 万一发生严重的地震或其他紧急状况,我该怎么办?



  • Is there luggage storage in/around Matsumoto Station and Matsumoto Bus Terminal?

    There are coin lockers inside and outside of the train station.
    See this station map and Useful Trip Info page for the details. Coin lockers (cannot be used overnight) are located just the Bus Terminal in the area just next to the ticket counter entrance.

  • Is there luggage storage at Matsumoto Castle?

    Coin-operated lockers for smaller items are located on the castle grounds. Larger bags can be left at the shop on the premises, but they ask that you remove valuables and fragile items.

  • Are there coin lockers at Kamikochi?

    There is a baggage room (tel: 0263-95-2034) on the first floor of the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, but there are no coin lockers. Rates are by the day. Small: ¥350 / Medium: ¥400 / Large: ¥500 (¥600 for oversize). The office is open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Are there any courier services like FedEx?

    “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” Yamato Transport Co. has an English website.
    The luggage would be sent to your destination (hotel) by the next day. Be sure that you first confirm whether or not your lodging will agree to receive your luggage. Otherwise, we recommend a convenience store drop-off/pick-up option if a convenience stores is close to your destination.

Hilfreiche Reiseinformationen & Mehr

  • Where can I use Wi-Fi/internet?

    See our Wi-Fi Spots section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Where can I charge my phone or other device?

    There is a Starbucks in Matsumoto Station. The Gusto near M Wing also offers seating with outlets. You can also use the outlets in Alpico Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal if you are waiting for a bus. Finally, there are outlets near the ATM in the Ote Tourist Information Center. Please try to keep your charging period brief as to not inconvenience others.

  • Where are ATMs that accept international cards? / Where can I exchange money?

    See our Currency Exchange & ATMs section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Is there any information on the locations that appear in the manga/anime “Orange”?

    There are Japanese location maps of the manga and movie (separately) in Tourist Information Centers in Matsumoto. Also, you can download an app Butai Meguri that show you where the locations are. Details are in Japanese. See our in depth story on Orange.

  • Are there any multilingual guides available for hire?

    See our Guides page.

  • Does Matsumoto have any famous festivals?

    Various themed festivals are held throughout the year. Some of the more lively festivals include the Asama Onsen Torch Festival (Taimatsu Matsuri), Tenjin Matsuri, Taiko Drum Festival, and the dance festival Matsumoto Bon-Bon. See our Festivals & Events page.

Sightseeing & Activities

  • Can you recommend good view points to see the Japan Alps?

    Besides the park and keep of Matsumoto Castle, Joyama Park, and Alps Park are good points for views of the Japan Alps. You can enjoy a spectacular view from the top point of a hiking course from Asama Hot Springs. A great, yet little-known spot downtown is a top garden of Performing Arts Center. The second floor of the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum is a place to see the Japan Alps and grape orchards through the beautiful window. The Baba Family Residence is a good viewpoint where you can see both Mt. Yari and Mt. Hotakadake, the two highest summits of the Japan Alps.

  • What areas/places are flat and allow for wheelchair/stroller access and/or the elderly to get around easily?

    Nakamachi and Nawate Streets in Matsumoto and Narai Post Town in a part of Shiojiri in the Kiso Valley are flat, old streets that are good for strolling. Also, Agatanomori Park near the Matsumoto Museum of Art is a good place to go around even in a wheelchair.

  • Farm visits and fruit picking around Matsumoto

    On the farm visits front, other than the Diao Wasabi Farm in Azumino, you’ll need to go by bike, taxi, or car. Apple picking is available in the fall (Oct and part of Nov) at Yokoya Farm. They speak basic English. In Azumino City, you can do apple picking anytime at Azumino Fruit Farm. Download this Azumino Multilingual Leaflet for more details. English is spoken at Ogurayama Farm, a member of WWOOF.

    In Shiojiri, a southern neighboring city of Matsumoto, many grape orchards for tourists are open from late August until mid-October. One of them is located 15-minutes walking (or a few minutes by taxi) from Shiojiri Station. There is also a petting zoo at Tirolean Forest in Shiojiri.

  • What’s the best place in town for viewing cherry blossoms? When will they bloom?

    Matsumoto Castle is famous for cherry blossoms. Joyama Park and the Susuki River are popular among the locals for enjoying cherry blossoms and BBQs. Mt. Kobo and Mt. Hikarujo (in Azumino City) are also popular, and there are good hiking courses among the cherry trees. Mid-April is probably the best time to see them (but it depends on the year and place). See our Cherry Blossoms page.

Matsumoto Castle

  • What is the wait time to enter the castle?

    Matsumoto Castle has a small capacity because there are only steep and narrow steps for going up inside the keep. So it is crowded during holidays especially Golden Week (around April 29 to May 5) and Obon (around August 13 to 16). You may have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to enter the castle. The waiting time is posted outside of the castle’s main gate (kuromon) as shown in the photo and on the official Japanese website. Peak visiting hours are generally from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Last admission is 4:30 p.m., but this is pushed forward to 5:30 p.m. during Golden Week and around the second week of August and Obon. Lunch time might not be so crowded, though it depends on other factors. For instance, when a big tour group comes, it is crowded.

  • Is there anything else to do at the castle?

    In addition to the castle’s museum and shop, events such as live music performances, ice sculpting, soba festivals, tea ceremonies, samurai parades, and more are held on the castle grounds on several days every month. Check out our Facebook events page or the castle’s English Event Information page for upcoming event information. You can see Ikegami Hyakuchikutei, a historical Japanese house which has a full-scale tea-ceremony room (chashitsu) with a tea garden, located just across the street on the castle’s north side. You can often see an armored samurai, a ninja, and a kimono-wearing princess (Omotenashi-tai – see more here) and take photos with them. Also, a rickshaw puller is sometimes waiting in front of the castle’s main gate to give rickshaw tours.

Hiking & Mountain Climbing

  • Can I go to Kamikochi in winter?

    Kamikochi’s public facilities are completely closed in winter (Nov 16 to mid-Apr). You can only enter there on foot. You need snowshoes, other appropriate equipment, and winter hiking experience. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you go with an experienced person or guide only when conditions are good. There are local guided tours through Kamikochi offered by companies including Little Peaks (Japanese site) in winter.

    The closest place to enter Kamikochi during the winter is Sawando. You can get to Sawando from Matsumoto Station by bus. Then, take a taxi to Nakanoyu (no parking lot) and walk from there. It takes 6–8 hours for a round trip from Nakanoyu to Kappa Bridge.
    Norikura Highlands and Shirahone Hot Springs near Kamikochi are open even in winter and accessible by bus.

  • Can I go to Kamikochi before the opening ceremony (Apr 27)?

    Yes. Facilities like the information center and some restaurants are open, but most hotels are still preparing to open. There is still some snow on the trails (due to the weather and altitude), so just be sure to have proper footwear. It is a great time to go, because it is not busy (there are few Japanese tourists, but some foreigners including those in tour groups are there).

  • Is there snow in May, June, and October in the Japan Alps?

    Tall mountains (around 3,000 m) like Mt. Yari, Hotaka, and Jonen are covered with snow from around mid-October until the later part of June. There is a risk of avalanche, so it is recommended that you only climb such mountains from July through September. From April to June and from October to November, you can hike in areas lower than 3,000 m, such as Mt. Hachibuse and Utsukushigahara, even if there is snow on the trails.

  • I want to camp in Kamikochi. Should I book a spot for my tent in Konashidaira or Tokusawa-en campsites?

    If you have your own tent, you don’t need to worry about booking a spot. These campsites don’t accept bookings for their free tent spots. More than several hundred tents can be pitched, and they do not fill up even in their busiest season.

    Konashidaira has small rental tents and mats, but they can’t be reserved. Tokusawa-en has fixed tents and you can reserve them.

  • I want to stay in a mountain lodge (yamagoya). What kind of facilities do they provide? Should I reserve it ahead of time?

    Yamagoya provide the minimum facilities and service for climbers, so you can use bedding (futon, no bed), food, and water (no shower). Usually you don’t have to book in advance, because yamagoya must accept any climber without reservation for climbers’ safety (but you should reach the yamagoya early in the afternoon: before 3 p.m. if possible, 5 p.m. at the latest).

  • Do you have any advice on a good one-day intermediate hike?

    How about Mt. Yakedake, a volcano in the Japan Alps about 10 km hike from/to Kamikochi? Refer to this webpage. It is an active volcano, but less dangerous than other mountains like Mt. Asama and Ontake so you are able to climb to the top. Another suggestion is Mt. Norikura. It is at a high elevation (3,026m), but not especially difficult, because you can go up to a 2,700-meter point (Tatamidaira) by bus. It takes only 2.5 hours from/to Tatamidaira. Going down to Sanbon Fall Bus Stop (1,900 m) is a good one day hike (5.5 hr, 10 km). You can also visit our Hiking page for a more comprehensive list of hikes in the area.

  • Are there any multilingual hiking guides available?

    Northstar’s Alpine Lodge in Norikura, where the owner and some workers are English native speakers, offer tours such as hiking in summer and snowshoeing in winter. For private guides for hire, see Guides.

Cuisine & Shopping

  • Is there any halal or vegan restaurants/food?

    The owner/chef of restaurant Doon Shokudo Indoyama is Indian and offers a halal chicken curry and vegan gluten-free, nut-free menus.

    Healthy Penguin Cafe offers vegan food and is located just off of Nawate Street not far from the Castle. Some other restaurants have vegetarian menus. See our Cuisine page for listings.

    Halal Gourmet Japan is available online and as an app, and it introduces places offering halal and vegetarian dishes.

  • Is there any sports bar/cafe where I can watch sporting events, such as football matches?

    The Irish bar CELTS near Matsumoto Station (map), Spocafé Garage near Shinshu University (map), and Old Rock Pub have big-screen TVs, but they usually show the local soccer team Yamaga’s matches and big Japanese sports matches like a World Cup match. You might be able to ask the manager to show your favorite match if it is a popular event.

  • Are there any local craft beers?

    Matsumoto Brewery has been in business since 2016. They have a tap room in Nakamachi and are opening another one in the Shinmai Media Garden Building in Honmachi from April 2018. The owner also runs Old Rock so you can drink Matsumoto Brewery craft beers there, too.

  • Are there any places with cheap drinks?

    Tsukiji Ichiba Shokudo, an izakaya and its annex located on the brick road with the McDonald’s near the station, have happy hour with beer for ¥100 a glass from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also get a glass of whiskey from ¥130 and a glass of sake from ¥200 at 8 Ounce Standing Bar.

  • Are there any nightclubs or live houses?

    Bar & Lounge GNU, located in the building just east of the Bus Terminal, serves as a venue for live music events, DJ sessions, and dance parties. ALECX is also a popular live house, located on the B1 floor of the Nova Building along the street in front of the station.

  • Is there a 100 yen shop?

    There is one on the 7th floor of the Alpico Plaza/Bus Terminal Building.
    Another is Daiso on the 4th floor of the building with a Maruzen Bookstore, not far from the station. There is also a Seriya in Aeon Mall and some others in the suburbs.

  • Are there any farmer’s markets in Matsumoto?

    A small one is Kura Marche run by JA in Nakamachi and another small one is located on the 1st floor of the Matsumoto Station building’s Midori. Some larger ones are in the suburbs. A good one is Alps Ichiba which can be accessed from Matsumoto Station by bus.

  • Is there a large supermarket/international foods store?

    AEON Mall has a large supermarket that is part of their AEON STYLE store. The mall also has a Kaldi, which stocks a number of import and specialty items. Nagisa Life Site near Kita-Matsumoto Station has a large Tsuruya supermarket that is open till 8 p.m. It is accessible via the excursion bus Town Sneaker’s western route. Seiyu is a Wal-Mart store, and it is open 24 hours.

    There are a lot of other modern local supermarkets such as Delicia – one of which is located in the bus terminal building (Alpico Plaza) in front of the station.

  • Are there any big electronics shops?

    Nojima is in Aeon Mall and Yamada Denki (electronics) near Minami-Matsumoto Station is a bigger shop. Edion, also a big electronic shop chain, is closer from Matsumoto or Kita-Matsumoto Station and can be accessed by the Town Sneaker excursion bus (Nagisa Life Site stop).

  • Are there any flea markets in Matsumoto?

    Flea Market Shinshu (Japanese site) holds flea markets a few days every one or two months at Flower Clock Park in front of the Parco Department Store or Alps Park. Also, there are some good antique shops on Nawate Street and Nakamachi Street.

Accommodations & Hot Springs

  • Is there a mixed (coed) hot spring public bath or a hot spring hotel with a private bathroom?

    Awanoyu Ryokan, a famous inn in Shirahone, has an outdoor bath with milky water that is coed. You can soak in it even if you don’t stay there at night. Katsura-no-yu Marunaga Ryokan in Shirahone also has an outdoor mixed bath.
    Many ryokan (e.g. Tamanoyu in Asama Hot Springs and Izumiya Zenbei in Utsukushigahara Hot Springs) have a family bath and a family or couple can bathe together in their private hot spring bathroom (some have an outdoor bath).

  • Are there any youth hostels in Matsumoto or other cheap places to stay?

    There is one youth hostel at Norikura Kogen Hot Springs, a backpackers’ hostel in the heart of Matsumoto City, a few guesthouses, and also some cheap ryokans. See our Accommodation Directory for more information.

  • Does Marumo Ryokan have an email address they can be reached at?

    Reservations are taken over the phone (+81-263-32-0115) or by FAX (+81-263-35-2251).

  • We would like to bring our well trained dog. Are there any places that take pets?

    Sakura Shimizu is a cottage where you can stay with your trained dog.
    If your dog is small and you have a cage, you can stay in Akanejuku in Gakenoyu Hot Spring (reservation is required).
    Located in Norikura Highlands, Hidamari (Japanese website) specializes in stays with pets, or you can also stay in Aobaso with your pet. Pension Poetical is also located in Norikura, and they take pets.
    Kamikochi Hotel in Sawando Hot Springs has two guest rooms for pets.

  • Is there any short-term housing available?

    Leopalace21 offers monthly contracts for furnished apartments, allowing you to rent from 30 days. While not cheap, their 1K-size apartments make for convenient living arrangements. They have an English website.

Communauté étrangère, Général

  • Is there any international community or place where I can meet foreigners who live in Matsumoto city?

    Social Matsumoto hosts a get together about once a month. The location changes, but is typically within walking distance from Matsumoto Station. The Storyhouse Cafe is owned by an American and Japanese couple, and the cafe hosts events and meetups including language exchange. Old Rock is a pub often frequented by foreigners.

    There are also some churches in Matsumoto. Catholic Matsumoto Church near the castle and Matsumoto Abundant Life Christ Church are popular among local foreigners.

    On Facebook, you can join Nagano Prefecture International Group (open group) and, if you are living in the prefecture, The Nagano-ken JET (The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program) Collective (closed group). The Shinshu(Nagano) chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers has their own website and Facebook group.

  • Are there consultation services for foreigners?

    The Multicultural Plaza run by Matsumoto City offers information and educational opportunities for foreigners and Japanese natives. Depending on the day, they also provide consultation services in English, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Tagalog regarding issues or questions that foreign residents may have.

  • Is there any place I can study Japanese?

    Free classes are offered at M Wing and other community centers. Popular ones are held in M Wing (central kominkan) every Tuesday 7 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. (PDF leaflets in Japanese here). For additional information, please contact the Matsumoto Multicultural Plaza on the third floor of M Wing. (E-mail: m.t.kyousei(at)gmail.com TEL: 0263-39-1106)

    A private institution, Marunouchi College of Business Japanese Language School offers a 3-month intensive course and a 2-year general course. Its location in downtown Matsumoto allows convenient access for those without cars.

  • Where can I have official documents for embassies notarized and/or translated?

    There is the Matsumoto Notarizing Office (Matsumoto Koshonin Yakuba, Momose Bldg. 3F, 2-5-1 Ote, Matsumoto 390-0874), but their services may not be offered in English.

    Administrative attorney Haruo Inoue (phone: 090-3565-7912) speaks English well and deals with foreigners’ visas, green cards, and naturalization.

    MT Labs, a translation company on Nakamachi Street can translate your documents and provide certification that they have been officially translated.

Gemeinschaft der Auswanderer, allgemeine Unterstützung und Beratung

  • Is there any international community or place where I can meet foreigners who live in Matsumoto city?

    Social Matsumoto hosts a get together about once a month. The location changes, but is typically within walking distance from Matsumoto Station. The Storyhouse Cafe is owned by an American and Japanese couple, and the cafe hosts events and meetups including language exchange. Old Rock is a pub often frequented by foreigners.

    There are also some churches in Matsumoto. Catholic Matsumoto Church near the castle and Matsumoto Abundant Life Christ Church are popular among local foreigners.

    On Facebook, you can join Nagano Prefecture International Group (open group) and, if you are living in the prefecture, The Nagano-ken JET (The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program) Collective (closed group). The Shinshu(Nagano) chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers has their own website and Facebook group.

  • Are there consultation services for foreigners?

    The Multicultural Plaza run by Matsumoto City offers information and educational opportunities for foreigners and Japanese natives. Depending on the day, they also provide consultation services in English, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Tagalog regarding issues or questions that foreign residents may have.

  • Is there any place I can study Japanese?

    Free classes are offered at M Wing and other community centers. Popular ones are held in M Wing (central kominkan) every Tuesday 7 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. (PDF leaflets in Japanese here). For additional information, please contact the Matsumoto Multicultural Plaza on the third floor of M Wing. (E-mail: m.t.kyousei(at)gmail.com TEL: 0263-39-1106)

    A private institution, Marunouchi College of Business Japanese Language School offers a 3-month intensive course and a 2-year general course. Its location in downtown Matsumoto allows convenient access for those without cars.

  • Where can I have official documents for embassies notarized and/or translated?

    There is the Matsumoto Notarizing Office (Matsumoto Koshonin Yakuba, Momose Bldg. 3F, 2-5-1 Ote, Matsumoto 390-0874), but their services may not be offered in English.

    Administrative attorney Haruo Inoue (phone: 090-3565-7912) speaks English well and deals with foreigners’ visas, green cards, and naturalization.

    MT Labs, a translation company on Nakamachi Street can translate your documents and provide certification that they have been officially translated.

외국인 커뮤니티·상담

  • Is there any international community or place where I can meet foreigners who live in Matsumoto city?

    Social Matsumoto hosts a get together about once a month. The location changes, but is typically within walking distance from Matsumoto Station. The Storyhouse Cafe is owned by an American and Japanese couple, and the cafe hosts events and meetups including language exchange. Old Rock is a pub often frequented by foreigners.

    There are also some churches in Matsumoto. Catholic Matsumoto Church near the castle and Matsumoto Abundant Life Christ Church are popular among local foreigners.

    On Facebook, you can join Nagano Prefecture International Group (open group) and, if you are living in the prefecture, The Nagano-ken JET (The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program) Collective (closed group). The Shinshu(Nagano) chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers has their own website and Facebook group.

  • Are there consultation services for foreigners?

    The Multicultural Plaza run by Matsumoto City offers information and educational opportunities for foreigners and Japanese natives. Depending on the day, they also provide consultation services in English, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Tagalog regarding issues or questions that foreign residents may have.

  • Is there any place I can study Japanese?

    Free classes are offered at M Wing and other community centers. Popular ones are held in M Wing (central kominkan) every Tuesday 7 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. (PDF leaflets in Japanese here). For additional information, please contact the Matsumoto Multicultural Plaza on the third floor of M Wing. (E-mail: m.t.kyousei(at)gmail.com TEL: 0263-39-1106)

    A private institution, Marunouchi College of Business Japanese Language School offers a 3-month intensive course and a 2-year general course. Its location in downtown Matsumoto allows convenient access for those without cars.

  • Where can I have official documents for embassies notarized and/or translated?

    There is the Matsumoto Notarizing Office (Matsumoto Koshonin Yakuba, Momose Bldg. 3F, 2-5-1 Ote, Matsumoto 390-0874), but their services may not be offered in English.

    Administrative attorney Haruo Inoue (phone: 090-3565-7912) speaks English well and deals with foreigners’ visas, green cards, and naturalization.

    MT Labs, a translation company on Nakamachi Street can translate your documents and provide certification that they have been officially translated.

Иностранные общины, помощь, советы

  • Is there any international community or place where I can meet foreigners who live in Matsumoto city?

    Social Matsumoto hosts a get together about once a month. The location changes, but is typically within walking distance from Matsumoto Station. The Storyhouse Cafe is owned by an American and Japanese couple, and the cafe hosts events and meetups including language exchange. Old Rock is a pub often frequented by foreigners.

    There are also some churches in Matsumoto. Catholic Matsumoto Church near the castle and Matsumoto Abundant Life Christ Church are popular among local foreigners.

    On Facebook, you can join Nagano Prefecture International Group (open group) and, if you are living in the prefecture, The Nagano-ken JET (The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program) Collective (closed group). The Shinshu(Nagano) chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers has their own website and Facebook group.

  • Are there consultation services for foreigners?

    The Multicultural Plaza run by Matsumoto City offers information and educational opportunities for foreigners and Japanese natives. Depending on the day, they also provide consultation services in English, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Tagalog regarding issues or questions that foreign residents may have.

  • Is there any place I can study Japanese?

    Free classes are offered at M Wing and other community centers. Popular ones are held in M Wing (central kominkan) every Tuesday 7 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. (PDF leaflets in Japanese here). For additional information, please contact the Matsumoto Multicultural Plaza on the third floor of M Wing. (E-mail: m.t.kyousei(at)gmail.com TEL: 0263-39-1106)

    A private institution, Marunouchi College of Business Japanese Language School offers a 3-month intensive course and a 2-year general course. Its location in downtown Matsumoto allows convenient access for those without cars.

  • Where can I have official documents for embassies notarized and/or translated?

    There is the Matsumoto Notarizing Office (Matsumoto Koshonin Yakuba, Momose Bldg. 3F, 2-5-1 Ote, Matsumoto 390-0874), but their services may not be offered in English.

    Administrative attorney Haruo Inoue (phone: 090-3565-7912) speaks English well and deals with foreigners’ visas, green cards, and naturalization.

    MT Labs, a translation company on Nakamachi Street can translate your documents and provide certification that they have been officially translated.

Transportation & Routes – From/To Kamikochi, Shin-Hotaka, and Takayama

  • Is it possible to take a bus to Kamikochi, go for a walk, and get to Takayama in one day?

    Yes, depending on your schedule. We suggest that you check the bus timetables and plan your schedule accordingly. In Kamikochi, the most popular hiking course from Kappa Bridge to Taisho Pond takes around 2 hours round trip. Sightseeing buses can bring you straight to the Kamikochi Bus Terminal near the bridge. Getting off a bus at Taisho Pond, hiking to Kappa Bridge, taking a bus from the Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen, then transferring to a bus to Takayama is the quickest trip.

    See timetable for Matsumoto to Kamikochi.
    See timetable for Hirayu Onsen/Takayama buses.

  • How can I access Takayama from Matsumoto?

    There is an express bus. See Alpico website’s Matsumoto-Takayama/Shin-Hotaka page for details about buses. Fare costs ¥3,190 one way and ¥5,660 round trip. Children’s tickets are half price. The Alpico Bus Company also sells Shinshu–Hida Alps Wide Free Passport, a 4-day unlimited ride ticket for buses running between Matsumoto, Kamikochi/Norikura, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and some other places in Gifu. It might be convenient and cheap if you travel to those areas.

  • How can I access Shin-Hotaka from Matsumoto?

    There are two direct buses a day only during peak season (mid-April to mid-May, mid-July to mid-August, and around New Year’s Day). For other days, take a bus from Matsumoto Bus Terminal to Hirayu Onsen and transfer to a Nohi Bus there.
    See Alpico Bus Timetable and Nohi Bus Timetable.

  • Is it necessary to book the bus from Takayama to Kamikochi, from Kamikochi to Matsumoto, and from Takayama to Matsumoto?

    No. The buses do not take reservations.

Transportation & Routes – Other

  • Is there any form of public transport (besides taxi) during winter to get to Utsukushigahara Highlands?

    Buses run during a few select periods in the summer only. If you stay in Utsukushigahara’s Ougatou Hotel or Yamamoto Goya Furusato-kan (cheaper than Ougatou Hotel), they have a shuttle bus service from Matsumoto Station. Be sure to reserve the bus for Ougatou Hotel as there are road restrictions in the winter, and you cannot access the hotel in your own vehicle. Yamamoto Goya does not pick up from Matsumoto Station in the winter (the pick-up location changes). See the Utsukushigahara Highlands page.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Jigokudani Monkey Park?

    Take a taxi or bus to Yudanaka Station then take the Nagano Dentetsu Line train to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    Take an express bus from the Kanbayashi Onsen bus stop straight to Nagano Station. Transfer to the JR Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.
    More information is available in English on the park’s website.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Tsumago/Magome (Nakasendo ‘Samurai Trail’ post towns in Kiso)?

    A local bus runs between Tsumago and Magome. From Tsumago, you can catch a local bus to Nagiso Station and take either a local train or the Ltd. Exp. Shinano straight to Matsumoto. Visit the Nagiso Town Tourism Association’s official website for timetables and more information in English.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route?

    Take a local bus to Shinano Omachi Station then take a train to Matsumoto. See the Access page’s Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route section for details.

  • How can I access Matsumoto from Kanazawa?

    Train: From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Nagano Station then transfer to the Ltd. Exp. Shinano bound for Nagoya.

    Bus: A cheaper method would be to take a bus from Kanazawa to Takayama, transfer at Takayama, and take another bus directly to Matsumoto. See the Three-Star Route bus ticket.

    (See the question above regarding access from Takayama.)

  • From Matsumoto, how can I access Takato to see the cherry blossoms?

    You can access the park via a combination of train and bus. From Matsumoto Station you will take the JR Chuo Line or the Super Express Azusa to Okaya Station (30 min). Transfer at Okaya Station to the JR Iida Line and get off at Inashi Station (50 min). Take a bus to the Takato Eki stop (25 min) then walk about 15 minutes to the park. The buses depart about every 20 minutes.

  • I will arrive at Matsumoto around midnight. Is there a place in the station or elsewhere I can stay until the first train/bus?

    Matsumoto Station’s long, wide concourse remains unlocked 24 hours. There are no chairs, but you can stay in the concourse (not necessarily dangerous, but remain at your own risk). The waiting room is closed until 15 – 30 minutes before the first train.

    Karaoke boxes and manga/internet cafés near the station are open 24 hours. You can pay to stay in a private room.
    ALPICO Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal’s waiting area opens from 4:40 a.m.


Медицинское обслуживание и номера экстренных служб

Traitement médical et numéros d’urgences

Medizinische Behandlung und Notruf Nummern

Useful Trip Info & Other Questions

  • Where can I use Wi-Fi/internet?

    See our Wi-Fi Spots section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Where can I charge my phone or other device?

    There is a Starbucks in Matsumoto Station. The Gusto near M Wing also offers seating with outlets. You can also use the outlets in Alpico Plaza/Matsumoto Bus Terminal if you are waiting for a bus. Finally, there are outlets near the ATM in the Ote Tourist Information Center. Please try to keep your charging period brief as to not inconvenience others.

  • Where are ATMs that accept international cards? / Where can I exchange money?

    See our Currency Exchange & ATMs section under Useful Trip Info on the Plan Your Trip page.

  • Is there any information on the locations that appear in the manga/anime “Orange”?

    There are Japanese location maps of the manga and movie (separately) in Tourist Information Centers in Matsumoto. Also, you can download an app Butai Meguri that show you where the locations are. Details are in Japanese. See our in depth story on Orange.

  • Are there any multilingual guides available for hire?

    See our Guides page.

  • Does Matsumoto have any famous festivals?

    Various themed festivals are held throughout the year. Some of the more lively festivals include the Asama Onsen Torch Festival (Taimatsu Matsuri), Tenjin Matsuri, Taiko Drum Festival, and the dance festival Matsumoto Bon-Bon. See our Festivals & Events page.


  • 旅行中に開催されているイベントを知りたいのですが




  • 紅葉の見頃や見どころスポットを教えてください



  • 桜の開花状況や見どころスポットを教えてください



  • 旅行中の緊急事態には



  • 観光ガイドをお願いしたいのですが



  • 観光案内所はどこにありますか?



    松本エリア (松本城・市街地周辺)


    • 0263-32-2814 (9:00~17:45)


    • 0263-39-7176 (9:00~17:45 年末年始のみ休)


    • 0263-34-3295 (平日8:30~17:15)


    • 0263-46-1800 (8:30~17:15)


    • 0263-33-5025 (平日10:00~15:00)


    • 0263-46-1224 (平日8:30~17:00)
      土曜8:30~12:00 日曜定休


    • 0263-33-2353 (9:00~17:00)

    四賀エリア (四賀/穴沢温泉方面)


    • 0263-64-3111 (平日8:30~17:15)

    安曇エリア (上高地/槍・穂高連峰/乗鞍高原/白骨温泉/さわんど方面)


    • 0263-93-2147 (3/1~10/31)9:00~17:00(11/1~2/末)9:00~16:30


    • 0263-93-2952 (3/1~10/31)9:00~17:00(11/1~2/末)9:00~16:30


    • 0263-93-3251  9:00~17:00(ただし冬期のみ木曜日定休)


    • 0263-93-1800  8:30~17:00冬期は休日あり


    • 0263-95-2606 4/27~11/15のみ開設

    奈川エリア (野麦峠/奈川高原方面)


    • 0263-79-2125 平日8:30~17:15

    梓川エリア (安曇野梓川)

    • 0263-78-3000 平日8:30~17:15


    • 長野県全域のご案内 電話番号 ご案内内容等
    • 長野県東京観光情報センター 03-3214-5651 東京にある長野県の観光情報センター
    • 長野県名古屋観光情報センター 052-263-4118 名古屋にある長野県の観光情報センター
    • 長野県大阪観光情報センター 06-6341-8205 大阪にある長野県の観光情報センター
    • (社)信州・長野県観光協会 026-234-7165 長野県全域の観光情報
  • 観光パンフレットが欲しいのですが



  • 旅行中の交通手段はどんなものがありますか?




  • 冬の旅行はスタッドレス・チェーンは必要でしょうか?








  • 雪はどれくらい降りますでしょうか?




  • 旅行中の服装に悩んでいるのですが



Foreign Community/General Support/Consultations

  • Is there any international community or place where I can meet foreigners who live in Matsumoto city?

    Social Matsumoto hosts a get together about once a month. The location changes, but is typically within walking distance from Matsumoto Station. The Storyhouse Cafe is owned by an American and Japanese couple, and the cafe hosts events and meetups including language exchange. Old Rock is a pub often frequented by foreigners.

    There are also some churches in Matsumoto. Catholic Matsumoto Church near the castle and Matsumoto Abundant Life Christ Church are popular among local foreigners.

    On Facebook, you can join Nagano Prefecture International Group (open group) and, if you are living in the prefecture, The Nagano-ken JET (The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program) Collective (closed group). The Shinshu(Nagano) chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teachers has their own website and Facebook group.

  • Are there consultation services for foreigners?

    The Multicultural Plaza run by Matsumoto City offers information and educational opportunities for foreigners and Japanese natives. Depending on the day, they also provide consultation services in English, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Tagalog regarding issues or questions that foreign residents may have.

  • Is there any place I can study Japanese?

    Free classes are offered at M Wing and other community centers. Popular ones are held in M Wing (central kominkan) every Tuesday 7 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. (PDF leaflets in Japanese here). For additional information, please contact the Matsumoto Multicultural Plaza on the third floor of M Wing. (E-mail: m.t.kyousei(at)gmail.com TEL: 0263-39-1106)

    A private institution, Marunouchi College of Business Japanese Language School offers a 3-month intensive course and a 2-year general course. Its location in downtown Matsumoto allows convenient access for those without cars.

  • Where can I have official documents for embassies notarized and/or translated?

    There is the Matsumoto Notarizing Office (Matsumoto Koshonin Yakuba, Momose Bldg. 3F, 2-5-1 Ote, Matsumoto 390-0874), but their services may not be offered in English.

    Administrative attorney Haruo Inoue (phone: 090-3565-7912) speaks English well and deals with foreigners’ visas, green cards, and naturalization.

    MT Labs, a translation company on Nakamachi Street can translate your documents and provide certification that they have been officially translated.

Emergency & Disaster Survival Tips


  • サイトやパンフレットに松本の画像を使用したいです。


  • 広告掲載をしたいのですが、どうしたらいいでしょうか?


  • “新まつもと物語” って、どんなサイトですか?
