Pecha Kucha Night NAGANO vol.01 in Matsumoto

Tue, Aug 28, 2007

Pecha kusha night banner
This is the first time that “Pecha kucha night” will be held anywhere in Japan other than Tokyo!
Finally, we have “Pecha kucha night” in Nagano!
This first “Pecha kucha night” will be held on September 1, 2007 in Matsumoto near the beautiful Matsumoto Castle known as one of Japan’s national treasures.
Up coming events will be held in various towns in Nagano!
Please come and join us!
:!:1 September 2007
VENUE:POTBELLY, 2-5-13 chuo Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken JAPAN
Doors will open at 5pm , kick of at 6pm.

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I am going to present about Matsumoto B?(it does not mean real B) gourmet informations:mrgreen:.
Pecha Kucha Night NAGANO(Japanese only)