“International Cafe” event

Sun, Nov 1, 2009

I participated in an event called “International Cafe” with my friend. The organizers are Christians, but their purpose of the activity isn’t missionary work. Because personal relationships and connections are important to them, they open the cafe temporarily and invite people to the cafe. They believe that meaningful contact between people, Japanese and foreign, is valuable. For instance, they say that our bodies are vehicles, like cars, and that our real inner person is like the driver of the car. Even though you have a car crash and your car has broken, you may be OK, and your spirit is still alive. In other words, the real you inside is more important than the outer body.
They are pretty friendly and most of them speak English and Japanese fluently. Unfortunately, when I visited them, not so many visitors came. I brought a new friend there and she was interested in the event. This is a good thing. I hope I can see many people and communicate with them next time.