Summer drums

Culture Art / Events
Mon, Aug 2, 2010

Matsumoto castle proudly sets the stunning backdrop for city’s annual two-day drumming festival. Once again this year, the weather co-operated and spectators were rewarded with a rich and varied set of performances.
Groups young and old took part, professional and journeymen participants. The event runs like clockwork (what else would you expect!) and is popular for all ages – kids sneaking into the front of the front rows or even sneaking up to the stage and catching a first class view. Having said that, some of the drums are so big, you really have to stand back a bit!
This year a ‘first’ was seeing a masked performer play a drum while actually standing on it. Another crowd pleaser was the showman ‘drumming’ with kendama – a traditional Japanese toy. He started off small, jamming with a drummer & a flautist, before his finale with a six-foot version.
Locals and tourists alike enjoyed the spectacle – four hours of drumming each evening for free, as the sun set behind the Alps/Castle/stage. Just the right setting to sit and have a beer or two with your friends, let the Japanese culture soak in once again.
Sorry, no no decent photos – had my hands full!
I added some photos. (Andy)