Christmas Carols Evening with Santa

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

For those wanting to soak up or let out a little of the Christmas spirit on Christmas Day (25th December) come along to Agatanomori Park and enjoy Singing Carols listening to the Matsumoto Grace Choir and a few other items from the Community.
Carols will be sung in Japanese English Portuguese Korean and one in French.
For Kids Come early at 5 pm and you can take part in some fun activities and games and decorate a large Christmas tree in time for Santa who will come at 6pm to relax after another hard Christmas’s work.
Then join with everybody for the main event.
Try Christmas treats from around the world. Panatone from Italy and Brazil, Roast Chicken from Australia and New Zealand, a Gingerbread house from America and many other things.
Anybody with a little Christmas spirit to let out in a song or such contact us so we can schedule you in.
All kids will go home with a small gift from Santa and can also get a photo with him in his sleigh.
Entry is free
But a donation box will be available for those who’d like to support this event put on by local volunteers.
For more information or enquiries; e-mail or call 090 4159 1979