Natural Springs and Historic Wells

Sightseeing / Outdoor Activities
Fri, Nov 10, 2017
Natural Springs and Historic Wells
Genchi Well

Thanks to Matsumoto City’s supply of ground water, fresh spring water wells up abundantly even within the inner city area. You can enjoy a number of different walking routes leading you to streams and fountains that you can even drink from, including the fountain in front of Kurassic-kan.

Kurassic-kan Well

Please note that the water is naturally sourced and is not treated.

A natural waterfall formed from Nawate's rejuvenating waters.
A natural waterfall formed from Nawate’s rejuvenating waters springs forth in front of Yohashira Shrine.
Nawate Rejuvenating Waters
Nawate Rejuvenating Waters
Streams such as the Hebi Stream weave their ways through the city.

Spring water is used regularly by locals. In addition to serving as drinking water, the water is also used in soba noodle making and sake brewing. The Kametaya Brewery uses the water from the spring right in front of their building to brew their sake!






Some of the more well known spots include the Genchi Well also pictured above and Iori Reisui Well. Well and spring locations are indicated on Matsumoto City maps. Keep an eye out for the Matsumoto Spring Water Excursion Map that will be published at the beginning of 2018!

Genchi Well
Iori Resui Well: Located in front of the grave of the samurai Iori Suzuki.
Iori Resui Well: Located in front of the grave of the samurai Iori Suzuki.