Website Renewal In Progress: “Matsumoto Welcomes You” is becoming “Visit Matsumoto!”

If you have been using the Matsumoto Welcomes You website up until now, you may have noticed it is currently being transitioned into the brand new Visit Matsumoto website—or!
The site is being redesigned for a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience. As it is still a work in progress, there are still a few kinks to work out on the new site, but feel free to browse around and try it out! The Matsumoto Welcomes You site will also stay live for a little while longer so you can continue reference it until the new site is complete.
We’ve got a few new and fun pages, including the “Reasons to Visit Matsumoto” page, a Cherry Blossom Forecast, and an “In Depth Articles” that will continue to grow.
Enjoy reading and keep an eye out for new blog posts, sightseeing spots, and more that will continuously be added by our local writers and bloggers!